Literary Elements

By sjward
  • Launch Literary Elements Unit

  • Conjunctions Anchor Chart

    Conjunctions Anchor Chart
  • Period: to

    Literary Elements Unit

  • Safe Learning Environment Lesson

    Safe Learning Environment Lesson
  • Find Conjunctions in text

    Find Conjunctions in text
  • Compare and Contrast Characters

    Compare and Contrast Characters
    Identify Character traits to compare and contrast characters
  • Weekly Assessment 1

  • Setting Bubble Map

    Setting Bubble Map
    Create a bubble map to describe the setting of the story. Be sure to include place and time setting.
  • Effects of Setting on the story

    Effects of Setting on the story
    Using a partial multiflow map
  • Travel Tracer

    Travel Tracer
    Create a travel tracer iin an online timeline.
  • Week 2 Assessment

    Focus on Setting and elements of setting
  • Theme Anchor Chart

  • Multi Flow

    Multi Flow
    Create a partial multiflow addressing how the characters actions affect the story.
  • Tree or Circle Map

    Create a circle map defining common themes and then a tree map categorizing books with common themes.
  • Week 3 Assessment

    Focus on Theme.
  • Multi Flow Theme

    Multi Flow Theme
    Identify the theme and support it with evidence from the text.
  • Interjection Comic Strip

  • Compare and contrast 2 commom themes

    Compare and contrast 2 commom themes
  • Summative Assessment