Life and Culture

By sm18386
  • Invention of the typewriter

    Invention of the typewriter
    1868, Christopher Latham Sholes invented the first typewriter. The first typewriter didn't have any lower case letter, no zeros, and no punctuation marks, other than a period and a coma. Typewriters were used for almost all letters, business records, and other documents that were usually written by hand. Something that is different about the first typewriters and common keyboards is that the typewriter had no backspace, and the letters were in alphabetical order.
  • Invention of the Telephone

    Invention of the Telephone
    Durring the mid 1800s, Alexander Graham Bell created the telephone. The Telephone provided many with fast communication that everyone loved. By 1880, there was a telephone for every 1 thousand people. As time passed there was a telephone in every familys home. Bells invention was greatly appriciated, and the tecnologie of the phone advanced even more as time went on.
  • Voting Restrictions

    Voting Restrictions
    In the late 1800s, many of the white people were concerned that African Americans may have too much political power by being allowed to vote. Because of the concern, many states developed, and adopted literacy tests. This stopped many African Americans as well as many whites. To avoid the whites from not being able to vote, states developed the Grandfather clauses.
  • Growth of Public Education

    Growth of Public Education
    In the early 1900s more than half a million students attended the nations free public schooling. In addition there were added subjects to the school’s curriculum that would prepare students for jobs that the economy demanded for. In the later 1900s more states started to require that children between the ages of 8 to 14 shall attend school. As time went on, more states followed which had a tremendous effect. More than half of America attended school
  • Theodore Roosevelt is elected President

    Theodore Roosevelt is elected President
    Theodore Roosevelt was president from september 1901 to March of 1909. He served 2 terms, and was the ranked as one of America's best presidents by many.
  • New forms of entertainment

    New forms of entertainment
    In the late 1800s, and early 1900s there were new ways that Americans could entertain themselves. Some of these new ways were parks, circuses, sports games, and movies. Parks were being built in urban areas were most people had access to. The Barns and Bailey Circus was a popular circus that traveled around the world. Circuses were held in amusement parks and usually consisted of clowns, animals, and other kinds of performers
  • Invention of the airplane

    Invention of the airplane
    In the year of 1903 the first airplane was invented by the Wright brothers. The first controlled flight that was recorded lasted about 12 to 13 seconds, and was a distance of 120ft. As time went on the airplane changed and was able to carry a few passengers. The airplane revolutionized travel, and granted people with fast travel.
  • Model T Automobile

    Model T Automobile
    The Model T Automobile was created and produced by Henry Ford Motor Company. They introduced an automobile at a low price that many Americans could afford. This revolutionized the methods of selling goods. The Model T Automobile allowed Americans to travel to new places and explore the country.
  • Mexican Revolution

    Mexican Revolution
    The Mexican revolution was caused by many factors. One of the factors was the disagreement over the dictatorship of President Porfiro Diaz. Porfiro Diaz had been in power for over thirty years, and many wanted him not to try to be reelected. Francisco Madero was the man that would run against Porfirio Diaz in hope of becoming the next president. Diaz decided to imprison Madero in order to win which sparked an uprising in Mexico that lasted for 10 years.
  • Woodrow Wilson

    Woodrow Wilson
    Woodrow Wilson was elected president on March 4, 1913. He served 2 terms, and his presidency ended on March 4, 1921. During his presidency he decided to enter the U.S into WW1.
  • Start of World War 1

    Start of World War 1
    During the presidency of Woodrow Wilson, he decided that we should send troops to Europe. He was the cause of the U.S entering the war. The reason that he decided to enter the war was so that he can make the world safe for democracy. WW1 ended in on November 11, 1918 with the treaty of Versailles.