
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam

  • The First Eelam War

    The First Eelam War
    There was an ambush done by the LTTE in northern Sri Lanka. LTTE rebels killed 13 soldiers, as a result there were anti-Tamil riots in the capitol, Colombo, which killed hundreds.
  • Three More Years

    The Sri Lankan signed an agreement with Indian Prime Minister Gandi to send peacekeeping troops to Sri Lanka. LTTE rebels refused to disarm, so three more years of fighting continued killing thousands.
  • The Second Eelam War

    The truce between LTTE and the Sri Lankan government is broken and India withdraws from Sri Lanka. As a result, the LTTE gains control of many northern cities and expelling thousands of Muslims.
  • Assassination of Rajiv Gandi

    Assassination of Rajiv Gandi
    It is believed that an LTTE suicide bomber is responsible for the assassination of Rajiv Gandi.
  • Another Leader Is Killed

    Another Leader Is Killed
    President Premadasa is killed in an LTTE bomb attack in Colombo.
  • Third Time's the Charm, Right?

    The Sri Lankan government and the Tamil Tigers are trying to reach a peace agreement for the third time.
  • Year 1995: The Third Eelam War

    The LTTE sank a naval craft sparking what is now known as the Third Eelam War, which will continue for six years.
  • Temple of Tooth Attack

    Temple of Tooth Attack
    The LTTE targeted Sri Lanka's holiest Buddha site killing eleven people.
  • Bandaranaike Airport Attack

    Bandaranaike Airport Attack
    An LTTE suicide bomber destroyed had of the Sri Lankan Airlines fleet at the Bandaranaike Airport.
  • A Weight Lifted

    The Sri Lankan government lifts the ban on Tamil Tigers who, in turn, drop their demand for a separate state.
  • Slowly But Surely

    One of the Tamil Tiger's lead commanders, Karuna, splits from the movement taking 6,000 rebel soldiers with him.
  • Another Killing

    It is suspected that an LTTE assassin is who's responsible for the Minister of Foreign Affairs murder.
  • Watch Out, The End Is Near

    LTTE attacks began to escalate again so Sri Lankan military launched airstrikes on LTTE targets.
  • Enough Is Enough

    Enough Is Enough
    The Sri Lankan government has finally had enough. They pulled out of the 2002 ceasefire agreement and launched a massive offensive against the LTTE.
  • The Take Back

    Troops capture Kilinochchi, a town that was controlled by the LTTE for ten years, and urged the rebels to surrender.
  • When Success Turns To Rubble

    The LTTE conducted an unsuccessful air raid on Colombo. They were shot down before they reached any of their targets.
  • Defeat!!!!

    Sri Lanka declares the Tamil Tigers defeated. Their rebel leader was killed in the fighting and they released a statement saying the group will lay down it's arms.