-Level 4- Inventions TPT (F-1)

  • Telegraph

    Samuel Morse's development of the telegraph enabled rapid long-distance communication using Morse code, transforming business and news dissemination.
  • Typewriter

    Christopher Latham Sholes' typewriter revolutionized written communication, making it faster and more accessible.
  • Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell's invention revolutionized communication, allowing people to speak to each other over long distances.
  • Refrigeration

    Carl von Linde's invention of practical refrigeration systems revolutionized food preservation and the cold chain industry.
  • Electric Light Bulb

    Thomas Edison's invention brought artificial lighting into homes and businesses, replacing gas lamps.
  • Phonograph

    Also created by Thomas Edison, the phonograph enabled the recording and playback of sound for the first time.
  • Bicycle

    John Kemp Starley's invention of the modern bicycle provided an affordable means of transportation and helped shape urban planning.
  • Automobile

    Karl Benz's development of the first practical automobile paved the way for modern transportation and the automotive industry.
  • Camera

    George Eastman's introduction of the Kodak camera brought photography to the masses with easy-to-use film-based systems.
  • Guglielmo Marconi's invention of the radio enabled wireless communication, leading to the development of broadcasting and telecommunications.

    Thomas Edison's creation of the motion picture camera laid the foundation for the film industry and visual storytelling.
  • Radio

    Guglielmo Marconi's invention of the radio enabled wireless communication, leading to the development of broadcasting and telecommunications.
  • X-Ray Machine

    Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen's discovery of X-rays revolutionized medical imaging, allowing the visualization of internal structures.
  • Radioactivity

    Henri Becquerel's discovery of radioactivity unlocked new realms of scientific research and led to advancements in nuclear energy and medicine.
  • Vacuum Cleaner

    Hubert Cecil Booth's invention made household cleaning more efficient and convenient.
  • Airplane

    The Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur, achieved powered, controlled flight, opening up the era of aviation.