Leonardo da vinci 40396 1 402

Leonardo Da Vinci

  • Apr 15, 1452

    Leonardo was born

    Leonardo was born
    Leonardo Da Vinci was born on April 15th, 1452. He was born in the village Anchiano, near vinci, Italy. His mother, Caterina, was a regular villager, while his father ser piero, was a notany. They were unmarried, so leonardo lived with his father.
  • Jan 13, 1455

    Invention of movable type

    Invention of movable type
    Around 1450, the printing press was invented. It made it easy to process books, making it faster and quicker. Before then, each book had to be written out by hand, sometimes taking years. But the printing press made copies one after the other, improving the economy and the literacy rate. (exact date unknown)
  • Jan 11, 1467

    Apprentice beginnings

    Apprentice beginnings
    At fifteen, Leonardo, already skilled in the arts, decided to start an apprentice. He started his apprenticeship in florence, Italy, not far away from his home town. His boss was the famous Andrea de Verrocchio. (actual date unknown)
  • Mar 16, 1478

    Completed first painting ( Annunciation)

    Completed first painting ( Annunciation)
    When leonadro was about 26, he painted the first painting he ever completed. It was a painting of an angel telling Mary that she would have a baby, named Jesus. This was one of the few leonardo ever painted out of 13.
  • Jan 13, 1482

    Moved to Milan

    Moved to Milan
    At age 30, leonardo decided he was sick of his life and needed a change. He left florence and his home to move to Milan. There he found work from Duke Ludovico Sforza, the ruler of milan. He designed many things for the Duke, from weapons of war to stages for plays and performances.
  • Dec 12, 1487

    Started keeping notebooks

    Started keeping notebooks
    When Leonardo moved to milan, he started keeping notebooks. These notebooks were filled with all sorts of inventions and ideas leonardo had, but could never complete. some of them are around today, such as the life preserver, water raising machines, helicopters, airplanes, tanks, solar power, calculators, and even the theory of plate techtonics.
    (exact date unkown)
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus begins his journey

    Columbus begins his journey
    Christopher Columbus was a famous travler who visited many places around the world. his journey begain on August 3rd, 1492, and ended on March 15th, 1493. He traveled to places like Hispanola and cuba, discovering new crops and native americans as well.
  • Jan 13, 1494

    Leonardo finished his clay horse statue

    Leonardo finished his clay horse statue
    The duke had leonardo design a huge horse, 3 times the size of a regular horse, for the dukes courtyard. It was to be made of bronze, the biggest and most beautiful thing he could think of. After 10 years of sculpting and crafting, one of the biggest projects leonardo undertook, he finished the clay version. Unfortunatley, leonardo died before he could get back to the project, leaving and clay horse and a large amount of bronze.
    (date unkown)
  • May 30, 1498

    The Last Supper is completed

    The Last Supper is completed
    While living at the dukes home, leonardo was asked to paint a

    painting at a nearby monastery, where the duke would eventually be buried. A large room was chosen and leonardo decided to paint a fresco of jesus' last supper. It is famous because of its size, reality (he painted it to look like an extension of the room), and beauty. When it was completed,there were hundreds of copies made and sold because it was so loved by the people of italy.Unfortunatley, most of the painting has flaked away.
  • Jul 8, 1498

    Vasco da Gama finds sea route to india

    Vasco da Gama finds sea route to india
    in 1498, Vasco da gama finds a sea route to india from Portugal. People didnt want to keep traveling on land, because it was long, hard, and a waste of supplies. his route went from portugal down the length and tip of Africa, past Madagascar, and reached the southern tip of India.
  • Jan 13, 1499

    French took over

    French took over
    The Duke was a very nervous man. He constantly worried that the french would come for his city. So he took the bronze from leonardos horse statue and made them into cannons. sure enough the french invaded, but his new cannons did not save him. In 1499 the french took Milan, and destroyed the clay horse statue leonardo took so long to make. (date unkown)
  • Jan 13, 1502

    worked for Cesare Borgia

    worked for Cesare Borgia
    Later in his life leonardo worked for cesare borgia, The son of pope Alexander VI. Cesare was a violent, murderous man, and had leonardo design horrible weapons of war. He made a giant crossbow, a sort of chariot with spinning spikes, and a rough version of a tank.
  • Apr 15, 1503

    Mona Lisa

    Mona Lisa
    In 1503 Leonardo painted his most famous painting, the Mona Lisa. It is still one of the most famous in the world today. Why? Because it is a curious painting. A potrait of a woman smiling with backround behind her. But her smile is what makes her famous. People believe she was hiding something, like there was a hidden joke in the picture. no one really knows, she could just be smiling like that for no reason! whatever the reason, it is still one of leonardo's greatest pieces ever.(dateknown)
  • Feb 16, 1504

    Michelangelo crafts the statue of david

    Michelangelo crafts the statue of david
    In 1504, one of Leonardos greatest rivals, Michelangelo Buonarroti, crafted the famous statue of David. He is displayed as a tall, muscular man with a smooth face and made of marble. Leonardo said himself he thought it wasn't all that great, but is still loved by admirers today. (exact date unknown)
  • Jan 2, 1519

    Ferdinand Magellan travels around the world

    Ferdinand Magellan travels around the world
    in the year 1519, the same date as leonardo's death, ferinand magellan makes the first full trip around the world. by gathering his fleet of ships, he and his crew made the trip in 3 years. he is the man who truly proved the world was round.
  • May 2, 1519

    Leonardo dies

    Leonardo dies