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Lee Felsenstein Timeline

  • Lee Felsenstein was born!

    Lee Felsenstein was born!
    Born on April 27,1945 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Enrolled in UC Berkeley

    Enrolled in UC Berkeley
    Joined the Co-operative Work-Study program in Engineering. Lee shortly after dropped out to work as a junior engineer at Ampex.
  • Graduated Berkeley

    Graduated Berkeley
    Re-enrolling into the university, Lee then received a B.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from UC Berkeley.
  • Community Memory Project

    Community Memory Project
    He developed the Community Memory Project, along with Efrem Lipkin, Mark Szpakowski, and others!
  • Pennywhistle Modem

    Pennywhistle Modem
    Because of the higher cost of the Community Memory Project, Lee Felsenstein then designed a less expensive version, which soon became a favorite of the personal computer users/hobbyist.
  • Homebrew Computer Club

    Homebrew Computer Club
    Felsenstein was the founder of the Homebrew Computer Club, which was early computer hobbyist group based in Silicon Valley. A lot of the companies that went through them were able to help launch the personal computer revolution.
  • Joined Processor Technology Corporation

     Joined Processor Technology Corporation
    Joined this team shortly after the club, which he was a design consultant.
  • SOL-20 Invention

    SOL-20 Invention
    Felsenstein shortly after the club was formed, developed SOL-20, which was one of the first microcomputers in which did not have a keyboard and or case. Selling over 10,000 units in the time span of 3 years!
  • OCC (Osborne Computer Corporation)

    OCC (Osborne Computer Corporation)
    Founded with Osborne, they designed the first portable computer, which was inspired by the NoteTaker. They both sold more than 125,000 units!
  • Founded the Free Speech Movement Archives

    Founded the Free Speech Movement Archives
    This was an online movement which was super informative in terms of important messages for him and others within the 60s.
  • Named "Pioneer of the Electronic Frontier"

    Named "Pioneer of the Electronic Frontier"
    Given out by the Electronic Frontier Foundation!
  • Joined Pemstar Pacific Consultants

    Joined Pemstar Pacific Consultants
    Worked here until 2005, where he was free-lance consulting.
  • Jhai Foundation of San Francisco

    Jhai Foundation of San Francisco
    Lee worked with designing a open-source telecommunication system to help remote villages in the world
  • Given Editor's Choice Award for Creative Excellence

    Given Editor's Choice Award for Creative Excellence
    This was distributed by EE Times Magazine in 2007
  • Made a Fellow of the Computer History Museum

    Made a Fellow of the Computer History Museum
    In 2016 Lee was made a fellow of the computer history museum, due to his outstanding achievements as well as his influence on the personal computer era