League of nations flag (1939)   symbol of the league of nations

League Of Nations Timeline

  • Creation Of League of Nations

    The original members of the League included Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, the British Empire, Canada, Chile, Czechoslovakia, France, Guatemala, India Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Paraguay, Persia (Iran), Peru, Poland, Siam (Thailand), South Africa, Spain, and Uruguay.
  • Argentine Admission to the League

    The League of Nations admitted the Argentine Republic as a member state of the organization.
  • Serb-Croat-Slovene Admission to the League

    The League of Nations admitted the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (Yugoslavia) as a member state in the organization.
  • Colombian Admission to the League

    The League of Nations admitted Colombia as a member state of the organization.
  • Venezuelan Admission to the League

    The League of Nations admitted Venezuela as a member state to the organization.
  • Danish,Cuban,Switzerland Admission to the League

    The League of Nations admitted Denmark, Cuba and Switzerland as member states in the organization.
  • Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish Admission to the League

    The League of Nations admitted the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden as member states in the organization.
  • Salvadoran Admission to the League

    The League of Nations admitted El Salvador as a member state in the organization.
  • Greek Admission to the League

    The League of Nations admitted Greece as a member state of the organization.
  • Portuguese Admission to the League

    The League of Nations admitted Portugal as a member state of the organization.
  • Haitian, Liberian Admission to the League

    The League of Nations admitted Haiti and Liberia as member states to the organization.
  • Chinese Admission to the League

    The League of Nations admitted China as a member state of the organization.
  • Romanian Admission to the League

    The League of Nations admitted Romania as a member state in the organization.
  • Honduran, NIcaraguan Admission to the League

    The League of Nations admitted Honduras and NIcaragua as members state of the organization.
  • Finnish, Costa Rican, Bulgarian, Luxemborg Admission to the League

    The League of Nations admitted Finland, Costa Rica, Luxemborg and Bulgaria as member states in the organization.
  • Albanian Admission to the League

  • Estonian Admission to the League

    The League of Nations admitted Estonia as a member state in the organization.
  • Latvian, Lithuanian Admission to the League

    The League of Nations admitted Latvia and Lithuania as a member state in the organization.
  • Hungarian Admission to the League

    The League of Nations admitted Hungary as a member state in the organization.
  • Irish Admission to the League

    The League of Nations admitted the Irish Free State as a member state in the organization.
  • Ethiopian Admission to the League

    With the support of Italian and French governments, the Ethiopian government allayed British concerns regarding arms traffic and suppression of slavery and the League of Nations admitted Ethiopia as a member state in the organization.
  • Dominican Republic Admission to the League of Nations

    With the departure of the last American troops, the League of Nations admitted the Dominican Republic as a member state in the organization.
  • German Admission to the League

    The League of Nations formally admitted Germany as a member and the Germans received a permanent seat on the Council.
  • Mexican Admission to the League

    The Mexican government decided to join the League of Nations after years of negotiations. The League of Nations admitted Mexico as a member state of the organization on September 12th.
  • Turkish Admission to the League

    The League of Nations admitted Turkey as a member state in the organization.
  • Iraqi Admission to the League

  • Soviet Admission to the League

    The League of Nations admitted the USSR as a member state and the Soviets accepted the sixth permanent seat on the Council. The Soviet Union remained a member until it was expelled in December 1939, after the Soviets invaded Finland to begin the Winter War. The Soviet decision to join the League reflected the Russian fear of a resurgent Germany. Prior to its admission to the League, the Russian government severely denounced the organization. The Soviets now took an active role in promoting colle
  • Special Session of League Assembly/Egyptian Admission

    The League of Nations formally admitted Egypt into the organization at a special session.
  • Dissolution of the League of Nations

    The members of the Assembly of the League of Nations voted to dissolve the organization and transfer its property and assets to the United Nations. This marked the end of the post-World War I experiment in collective security and the advent of the new order under the United Nations.