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League of Nations By Abidul

  • League of Nations Made

    League of Nations Made
    The League of Nation Founded at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919.
  • Treaty of Versialles Estabalished

    Treaty of Versialles Estabalished
    The Treaty of Versailles was a peace treaty at the end of World War One. It ended the anger between Germany and its allies.
  • The Conference in Paris

    The Conference in Paris
    Conference in Paris on reparations proceeds without participation of Germany. They decide that Germany has to pay 269 billion Goldmarks and, for 42 years
  • First meeting

    First meeting
    First meeting of the full assembly of the Leage of Nations in Geneva. The US does not enter the League.
  • Reperations of Germany

    Reperations of Germany
    Conference in Paris on reparations proceeds without participation of Germany. They decide that Germany has to pay 269 billion Goldmarks and, for 42 years,12% of the value
  • Parts of Ruhr Area Taken By France

    Parts of Ruhr Area Is Occupied By France.
  • The Dawes Plan

    INFOThe Dawes Plan is put forward to stabilize the economic situation in Europe, to enable the Germans to pay their reparations and the Allies to pay their debts to the US. It sets an upper limit for payment of reparations and limits the time to 37 years. The Motto is "Business, not politics".
  • Manchuria Crisis

    Manchuria Crisis
    Japan invades Manchuria which is in China.