
Leading Ideological Reforms in Europe from 1649 to 1945

  • Locke, John. 1690."The Treatise of two Government", London, Printed by Amen-Corner.

    Locke, John. 1690."The Treatise of two Government", London, Printed by Amen-Corner.
    "The Second Treatise on Government", written by John Locke in 1690 depicts ideas that took roots in the context of the pre-glorious revolution in England. This document puts forward an ideological steps towards individual rights an intermediary political structure between the King and its subjects. Locke's writings coincide with the instauration of a parlimentarist monarchy and the passing of the Bill of Rights.
  • Voltaire, 1767. "L'Ingénu", tiree des manuscrits du Pere Quefnel,Paris.

    Voltaire, 1767. "L'Ingénu", tiree des manuscrits du Pere Quefnel,Paris.
    "L'Ingénu" is a satire written by Voltaire in 1759 that represent the enlighten ideas in France that sparked the French Revolution. The ideologie proposed by this lecture is centered around deism and the rise of enlighten thoughts.
  • Mazzini, Giuseppe. (1852). " On Nationality" Giuseppe Mazzini, "Europe: Its Condition and Prospects," Essays: Selected from the Writings, Literary, Political and Religious of Joseph Mazzini, (London), pp. 266, 277­78, 291­92.

    Mazzini, Giuseppe. (1852). " On Nationality" Giuseppe Mazzini, "Europe: Its Condition and Prospects," Essays: Selected from the Writings, Literary, Political and Religious of Joseph Mazzini, (London), pp. 266, 277­78, 291­92.
    "Nationality" is a text written by Giuseppe Mazzini in 1852 that offers a vision of Nation-State building of Italy as part of the 1848 revolutions across Europe.This text reveals the importance of basing social and work structures on nationalities, which is made possible by the unification odf Italy in the years that will follow.
  • Michel, Louise. "Mémoires de Louise Michel, écrits par elle-même", F. Roy, libraire-éditeur, 1886 (pp. titre-490).

    Michel, Louise. "Mémoires de Louise Michel, écrits par elle-même", F. Roy, libraire-éditeur, 1886 (pp. titre-490).
    "Memoirs" is an autobiographical text written by Louise Michel in 1886 that depicts the femenist ideas of this very important feminine figure during the Paris Commune. The place she imagined for women, which was a richer intellectual and physical implication in society, did take its first form during the Commune.
  • Lenin, Vladimir. 1918, "The State and Revolution:The Marxist Theory of the State & the Tasks of the Proletariat in the Revolution", Collected Works, Volume 25, p. 381492.

     Lenin, Vladimir. 1918, "The State and Revolution:The Marxist Theory of the State & the Tasks of the Proletariat in the Revolution", Collected Works, Volume 25, p. 381492.
    "The State and Revolution" is a text by Vladimir Lenin in 1918 that expresses his vision of the State in relation with society inspired by Marxist ideas in the context of the Russian Revolution. This text was written during Lenin's exil and shows a profound reflection on the outcomes of the revolution in relation to the structure of the State. He argues that a communist dictatorship is the only alternative, which is the regime that will finally prevail.
  • Collins, Michael. 1922. "Free State or Chaos" The path to freedom. Dublin: Talbot Press. http://catalog.hathitrust.org/api/volumes/oclc/3574979.html.

    Collins, Michael. 1922. "Free State or Chaos" The path to freedom. Dublin: Talbot Press. http://catalog.hathitrust.org/api/volumes/oclc/3574979.html.
    "Free State or Chaos" is a text written by Michel Collins in 1922 that exploits the theme of Irish Nationalism. The ideology of Nationalism takes a new turn with the aspect of independance. Collins is seen as a man of actions that will allow Ireland to fight for its distinct identity.