Unwomen emmawatson goodwillambassador 2 jpg

Leadership Timeline- Roberta De Leon

  • Uses Power Wisely

    Uses Power Wisely
    Emma Watson know she is very well know around the world, and very famous, and because of her succeess and popularity she knew people would listen to her speech, and spread awareness about the cause she decided to support; gender inequality. In this day and age, fame, sophistication and beauty can give someone an overwhelming amount of power. Watson is already gaining an increasingly large following necessary for any blossoming leader. Enthusiastic support for Watson’s brave and impassioned speec
  • Risk Taker

    Risk Taker
    She took the risk of putting aside her acting career, which was her main source of money and fame, and decided to dedicate her time to the UN, and to supporting the rights of women and men, both equal.
  • Courage

    Emma Watson showed courage, when she decided to stand in front of the UN community, and the world, and give her speech supporting gender iquality.
  • Commited

    Emma Watson seemed commited to her topic. A leader can channel passion toward something more important than ideas; with someone piloting the social cause, followers’ passion can be used to fuel change. Having someone in charge makes for more organization and progress. While feminists have always made a difference, having this kind of leader can lead to more than the simple promotion of feminism: Watson has all the power necessary to make visible changes and advances in female rights.
  • Sense of Humor

    Sense of Humor
    Emma Watson showed sense of humor in her speech, when she made an allusion to her acting in the Harry Potter, and made a funny comment about how people may wonderwhat she is doing in the UN. It made the audience laugh, and helped them connect with her.
  • Persistent and Realistic

    Persistent and Realistic
    On her speech in the UN, Emma Watson adressed the fact that many men dislike femenism, because they believe it is an act of women to attack and acuse men. Emma Watson dismisses this belief, and urges men to join the femenist community, in order to ensure gender iquality.
  • Positive and Hope-filled

    Positive and Hope-filled
    On her speech, she is positive about the effect that everyone coming together can have, and she is filled with hope about what the future awaits and holds for women without education, and in a place of abuse.
  • Change Master

    Change Master
    Finally, Emma Watson showed her skills and briliant ideas to make women and men equal. She created a campaign called HeforShe, were she urges men to join the cause, and help create equality in the world. It is a very successful and positive campaign, because she was able to use her fame to make awareness.