Laura ingalls wilder

Laura Ingalls Wilder

  • Her Birth Date

    Laura Elizabeth Ingalls was born on Febuary 7th, 1867 in Pepin, Wisconsin.
  • Moving

    1874-1879 Laura and her family moved all around the country,but finally settled in De Smet, South Dakota.
    This was a big part of inspiration in her books.
  • Almanzo Wilder

    Almanzo Wilder
    After they were settled in DeSmet, Laura attended a school, worked several part-time jobs and made many friends, and most important out of all those firiends, Almanzo Wilder, who She married later.This time in her life is documented in the books Little Town on the Prairie, and These Happy Golden Years. He was 10 years older than her.
    (exact day not noted, but year is exact)
  • Writing

    Laura had a tough winter these years and then later wrote about her times as a young teenager trying to survive the freezing temperatures and lack of food, firewood, and other items you absolutely need. Her book was called The Long Winter.
  • Lots of work

    Between 1883 and 1885, she taught three terms of school, worked for the local dressmaker and attended high school, even though she didn't graduate.
  • Teaching

    Two months before her 17th birthday, Laura accepted her first job as a teacher, teaching three terms in one-room schools, even though she never attended a school in DeSmet
  • Getting Married

    Getting Married
    Her teaching career and her own studies ended when she married Almanzo Wilder when she was eighteen and he was twenty-eight
  • Complications

    Complications from a life-threatening bout of diphtheria made Almanzo partially paralyzed. While he eventually regained close to full use of his legs, he still needed a cane to walk for the remainder of his life. This setback, began a series of disastrous events that included the destruction of their home and barn by fire, and several years of severe drought that left them in debt.
    ( exact date not noted )
  • Children

    On December 5, 1886, she gave birth to Rose Wilder. Then she later gave birth to an unnamed son, who died shortly after his birth in 1889.
  • DeSmet to Florida then back to DeSmet

    DeSmet to Florida then back to DeSmet
    The breifly moving to Westville, Florida because they thought that Florida's climate would improve Wilder's health, but since they were used to living on the dry plains, they lost energy or wilted in the heat and Southern humidity, and felt out of place among the backwoods locals they decided to go back home. So in 1892, they went back to DeSmet and bought a small house.
    (only exact year )
  • Moving yet again

    Moving yet again
    They moved a final time to Mansfield, Missouri, using their savings to make a down payment on a piece of property just outside of town. They named the place Rocky Ridge Farm. What began as about 40 acres of thickly wooded, stone-covered hillside with a windowless log cabin, over the next 20 years turned into a 200-acre, relatively prosperous poultry, dairy, and fruit farm.
    (only year is exact)
  • Almanzo's death

    Almanzo's death
    Almanzo Wilder died at age 92
  • Death Date

    Death Date
    She was 90 years old when she died. She died in Mansfield, Missouri, U.S.
  • All of Her work

    All of Her work
    Little House in the Big Woods (1932), Farmer Boy (1933) Little House on the Prairie (1935) On the Banks of Plum Creek (1937), By the Shores of Silver Lake (1939), The Long Winter (1940), Little Town on the Prairie (1941), These Happy Golden Years (1943), On the Way Home (1962)
    The First Four Years (1971)
    West from Home (1974)
    The Road Back (1931)
  • The First Four Years

    The First Four Years
    The tales of the complications with farming and sicknesses can be found in The First Four Years, a manuscript that was discovered after Rose Wilder Lane's death. It was published in 1971, and it detailed the hard-fought first four years of marriage on the Dakota prairies
    ( exact date not noted, only year )