Tea cup

Late for Tea by Candace Mitchell

  • Page 1:The meeting

    Page 1:The meeting
    The Queen of England and ,her closest advisor, Bill are scheduled to meet with each other. she has not been able to contact him since Friday and is getting a bit worried. The queen assumes that he is just late for work, but little does she know that he is actually dead.
  • Page 2: The daily news

    Page 2: The daily news
    British Broadcasting News playing now. "Okay, Let's watch the news for today." the queen said as her staff was settling down near the t.v. While they were all watching one event in particular caught her eye. It was a yong man who had been murdered and eaten. Her assistant, Bill, had been missing since Saturday. The bones and organs that the police found are not identifiable and were found on Friday night.
  • Page 3: The Queen Pays a Visit

    Page 3: The Queen Pays a Visit
    The queen decides that she would go and check on Bill because she is getting worried about him. When she gets to Bill's house she finds the door unlocked and everything in the house is completely destroyed. Once she got to the back part of the house she stopped because she thought she heard something coming from the bathroom, but she wasn't really sure. She decides to go in and check to see if anyone was in the house with her. She enters pepper spray at the ready and very slowly.
  • Page 5: Great Minds Think Alike

    Page 5: Great Minds Think Alike
    When the queen tries to get closer the guy takes out a gun and puts it against her head and talks very quietly into her ear and says, "You are going to call the royal bank and tell them that you need to have three million dollars taken out of your bank account." The queen kept her resignationand and made him an offer, "You are awfully clever, what if I told you that I could put that brain of yours to better use than this." they looked at each other questioning wether to trust each other.
  • Page 4: The Queen Meets a Cannibal

    Page 4: The Queen Meets a Cannibal
    When the queen completely opens the door she find a homeless looking guy in the bath tub sleeping and surrounded with so much garbage that you could barely see him. Once she looked at him for a minute she went and got a stick, so that she could poke him with it to wake him up from a distance. He woke up and imediately stood up and started screaming as loud as he possibly could as if he were being attacked.
  • Page 6: The Agreement

    Page 6: The Agreement
    "Hello." "This is the queen speaking." "I agree" Two days earlier: I can give you a job working for me as an agent in the field. In order to redeem yurself you must find and capture the entire En Ricardo gang in the southern part of England. When you agree I will give you more information.
  • Page 7: First Day on the Job

    Page 7: First Day on the Job
    When the guy gets to the top secret location he finds his desk and gets settled. The queen saw that he came in so, she goes down stairs to give him his case with all the information. After looking the folder over he started to hack into securtiy cameras to see if he could find where the group hangs out and does their business. it only took him ten minutes t track where the group's base was. She was truly impressed.
  • Page 8: Work in the Field

    Page 8: Work in the Field
    While he was getting gas for the new car that the queen gave to him he ran into an old friend and decided to go for a drink with him. what he didn't know was that the queen had put a camera and a microphone on him in the short amount of time that he was in the office. When they got to the bar they started talking, His friend started ordering fod and asked him if he wanted anything,but the food there wasn't adapted to his diet. After that they drank and left the bar with hasty goodbyes.
  • Page 9:Caught Red Handed

    Page 9:Caught Red Handed
    The next day he goes to work and the queen is waiting at his desk. She was not pleased with him as he neglected to d his field work. After haaving a brief meeting with him she gave him one more chance to do his job. If he did not succeed this time he would be fired.
  • Page 10:Cannibal Eats the Queen

    Page 10:Cannibal Eats the Queen
    All of the news reports are saying that a unknown cannibal was hired and trusted by the queen. then days later she dissappears and has been found in the cannibals layer.