
  • Lana was born

    She was born 7bls 4oz but in breech position. This is position where neonate's feet or buttocks come out of the birth canal first (p 87). Her Aggar scale was 10 which meant she was in excellent condition. The scores comprise of Appearance (body color), Pulse (heart rate), Grimmace (reflex irritability), Activity (muscle ton) and Respiration (breathing). Apgar scores is important because it indicate the neonate's risk of death of first month and whether he/she needs immediate care (p100)
  • Lana's first tooth

    Her first tooth shows and it seems to be painful and causes her lots of discomfort. She has fever for couple night and cries a lot. She doesn't want to eat because her gum is sore. Because teething stimulate saliva production, she drools a lot. I have to giver her something to chew on such as wet cold towel or "teething ring" to help her ease the discomfort. (p131)
  • Lana's first words

    Her first words includes "Mama", "Dada" " wawa", "mammam". Her first words tend to include her daily routines, She also uses holophrases, which means single words to represent a whole sentence (p194). For instance, "wawa" would means "I want milk", "mama" may means "I want to be picked up my Mama" or "mammam" means "I want foods".
  • Lana is potty trained

    At two and a half, Lana is potty trained. I decide to potty train upon seeing these signs: 1. she stays "dry" for an hour or two during the day, 2. Regular bowel movements that happen at the same time of the day, 3. she asks me to let her use the frog potty chair that I got her for her 2nd birthday. Sometimes she has some "accident", espeically when she is tired, stressed or too excited and that is why I make sure she uses "training pants." (p184)
  • Lana attending preschool

    I decide to put Lana in a Montessory Preschool Program. In this type of school develope a new approach to enchance the cognitive developemtn of young children. Children are not subjected to tests and grades, yet, more on their natural interest to learn through self directed exploration. I also choose her school based on these criteria: education of teachers, class size and child-teacher ratio, apge approrirate materials and activities and tteacher-child interactions (p 246-247)
  • Lana's 7th birthday

    Lana advances in concrete operations, which is the advance in becoming more systematic, planful and logical thinkers. She has the ability for decentering, which is a cognitive ability to take more than one aspect of problem in to account (p295). For example, when we are making pizza dough, I make two balls that have the same size, As I transform one ball in to the shape of a sausage and ask her which one is now Bigger. Her answer is "the same." Before age 7, her answer is the sausage.
  • Lana is 11 years old

    She can perform "formal operations" tasks. In Piaget's theory, this is a cognitive stage where people learn to think systematically about possibilities, This ability starts at around age 11 and complete some where from age 15 -20 (p 355). Lana can understand the mechanism of how a pendulum works, what make it swings from side to side by considering its weight, length of string, the momentum forces and etc.
  • Lana's first dance competition and her "immaginary audience"

    "Immaginary audience" is belief that others are acutely aware of and attentive to one's appreance and behavior. This results from adolescent's limitedcapability to distinquish their thinking about themselves and other thinking. They tend to over think about one particular behavior that they did and believe that everyone is looking at them in a certain way. (p359). Lana fell during rehearsal and get very stressed out. She believes that now everyone will be watching for same mistake that she made.
  • Lana's first menstruation period

    This event is termed "mernarche" - her first menstruation period. From now girls will have menstrual cycles, which happens about every 28 days. This is the change in uterus and ovary to make sexual reproduction possible. One egg develops into ovum and a female releases about 400 ova in their whole life (p343).
  • Lana's first boyfriend

    Lana falls in love with a schoolmate named J! In the US, a survey reports that the rate of romantic relationship increases from 17% in 7th grade to 32% in 9th grade and to 44% in 11th grade. Asian background abdolescents tend to have romantic relationship later than other backgrounds such as Latino, European or African Americans. (p378)