Labor to birth

  • The first stage of labor--contractions make the cervix dilate

    The first stage of labor--contractions make the cervix dilate
    contractions make the cervix dilate
  • This is called EFFACEMENT

     This is called EFFACEMENT
  • Transition--the cervix becomes fully dilated to 10 cm

    Transition--the cervix becomes fully dilated to 10 cm
  • Baby's head slips out of uterus into birth canal

    Baby's head slips out of uterus into birth canal
  • The top of the head appears at the opening of the birth canal.

    The top of the head appears at the opening of the birth canal.
  • Head emerges followed by the shoulders

    Head emerges followed by the shoulders
  • Rest of the baby follows easily.

    Rest of the baby follows easily.
  • Woman gives birth to placenta.

    Woman gives birth to placenta.