Lab #2

  • Stage #1 Learning Basic Trust Versus Basic Mistrust (Hope)

    It's not like I can remember when I was a year or two years old, but as my parents were still together then and I don't deal with any mistrust issues, I would assume that I successfully passed this stage.
  • Stage #2 Learning Autonomy Versus Shame (Will)

    Along with Stage #1, I wasn't really old enough during this stage to remember, but as I started being self taught at around 7 years old, I would say I successively passed this stage as I learned to be quite independent and experienced good parenting during this stage.
  • Stage #3 Learning Initiative Versus Guilt (Purpose)

    I maintain good grades, always have had a great initiative to work and expand my knowledge of everything. My mother was very fascinated with early childhood development so during this period I was given ample opportunity to learn as much as I could and was encouraged to do so.
  • Stage #4 Industry Versus Inferiority (Competence)

    Due to my early childhood education being solely homeschooling, I was unable to relate with peers in the ways that some other children who experienced that daily integration with their peers might be able to. Today I have no issues with inferiority and enjoy a good challenge to establish myself as "top dog". Highly competitive.
  • Stage #5 Learning Identity Versus Identity Diffusion (Fidelity)

    As I get closer to the end of this stage I believe I have accomplished what I needed to so far. I really had to evaluate myself when I was asked to choose which parent to live with, both being completely different in lifestyle choices, I had to choose which one would be best for my future and lead up to me being able to contribute the most to society, I believe I chose correctly.
  • Stage #6 Learning Intimacy Versus Love (Love)

    Perhaps I will one day discover true love that will lead to marriage but I do not think at this point that I would like to ever be married. I would however like to experience the feeling of true love that inspires people to wed.
  • Stage #7 Learning Generativity Versus Self-Absorption (Care)

    I have always had a good work ethic so I don't think I'll have any issue with this one, however as I said regarding stage 6, I don't want to be married, or have kids.
  • Stage #8 Integrity Versus Despair (Wisdom)

    I hope this stage happens faster than it will. Wisdom in an old man is something everyone can admire, I wish to one day be that old man with so much knowledge you could ask him for help with anything and he can help you.