By adib
  • Russian invasion

    120000 Russian troops invaded korea
  • division of Korea

    America and the soviet union had different views on what to do with korea so they formed a border known as the 38th parallel
  • U.N withdrawal

    U.N resolution to remove troops from korea after the national elections
  • NKA activated

    north korean peoples army is officially activated
  • US withdrawal

    President Truman orders withdrawal of US troops from Korea
  • election day

    the korean election day
  • south korea proklaimed

    The Republic of Korea was proclaimed. Syngman Rhee was elected first president
  • agreement

    Mao agrees to Kim Il Sung's plan to invade South Korea.
  • gathering troops

    the north korean army gather up 135000 troops with 150 T34 tanks
  • north korean armys attack

    the north korean army invades south korea without warnong
  • the fall of seoul

    south koreas capital city, seoul falls in the hands of the north korean army
  • inchon invasion

    With US,UN and south korea forces pushed back nearly to the end of the Korean peninsula, MacArthur launches the Inchon Invasion.
  • seoul recaptured

    Syngman Rhee's government reconquered Seoul
  • 38 parallel crossing

    US Army crosses 38TH Parallel near Kaesong.
  • moving north

    MacArthur orders his troops into Korea's northernmost provinces.
  • ambush

    South Korean ROK forces annihilated by People's Republic of China forces at Pukchin.
  • marine ambush at chosin river

    US Marines/Infantry surrounded by Chinese Communist forces at Chosin Reservoir.
  • saoul captured

    saoul was captured by the chineese
  • operation thunderbolt

    US, UN and republic of korean forces go back on the offensive.
  • saoul recaptured

    US, UN and Republic of korean forces retake Seoul.
  • macarthurs resign

    Truman dismisses MacArthur from command
  • peace talks begin

    peace talks begin at panmunjom
  • the bombing of korean power plants

    Washington authorizes bombing Korean power plants on the Yalu river
  • pyongyard attack

    US air attack Pyongyang.
  • peace treaty resumes

    Talks resume at Panmunjom
  • peace treaty

    Peace Treaty signed at Panmunjom. 38th parallel reset as boundary between communist North and anti-communist South
  • agreement

    Delegates reach agreement at Panmunjom.