Ap korean war 080225 mn

Korean War

By mrkesp
  • Japan Declares Korea Protecorate

    Japan Declares Korea Protecorate
    Japan officially declares a protectorate over Korea. A protectorate is an autonomous territory that is protected diplomatically or militarily against others by a stronger state, country, or entity. It later annexes Korea and makes it a colony.
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    At the Potsdam Conference both America and the Soviet Union, which were currently Allies, plan to occupy Korea following the defeat of Japan.
  • Russia Arrives into Korea

    Russia Arrives into Korea
    Towards the end of World War II, the Russians begin to make their way into Northern Korea; Americans have yet to reach the country.
  • V - J Day

    V - J Day
    Japan finally surrenders to the Allies, which brings an end to World War II.
  • Allies Create the 38th Parallel

    Allies Create the 38th Parallel
    The Soviet Union and America agreed that the Soviets would go and occupy the northern part of Korea and the US will go and occupy southern part of Korea. The line that divided these two areas is known as the 38th parallel.
  • America in Seoul

    America in Seoul
    Us forces finally reach Seoul, where they accept the Japanese surrender of South Korea.
  • The Iron Curtain Speech

    The Iron Curtain Speech
    British Prime Minister Winston Churchill delivers his historic 'Iron Curtain Speech', a speech that describes the ideological divide growing between the Soviet Union and the Western powers. It talks about how different parts of the world are being affected and separated by these two ideas.
  • President Truman Delivers Speech

    President Truman Delivers Speech
    President Truman delivers his famous 'Truman Doctrine', which states that America pledges to assist any nation in the world threatened by Communism, that establishes the worldwide containment of Communism as a vital American national security interest.
  • America Prepares to Leave Korea

    America Prepares to Leave Korea
    American troops and forces beginn to withdraw from South Korea, hoping to leave the south as an independent state under the leadership of Dr. Syngman Rhee.
  • Republic of Korea

    Republic of Korea
    Dr. Syngman Rhee's South Korean regime names itself the independent Republic of Korea, denying the legitimacy of North Korea and claiming sovereignty over the entire Korean Peninsula.
  • Democratic People's Republic of Korea

    Democratic People's Republic of Korea
    Communist North Korea, led by Kim Il Sung, names itself the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, denying the legitimacy of South Korea and claiming sovereignty over the entire Korean Peninsula.
  • Dean Acheson Delares Defensive Perimeter

    Dean Acheson Delares Defensive Perimeter
    Secretary of State Dean Acheson pledges that the United States will fight to defend all territory within its "defensive perimeter," which includes Japan, and the Philippines, but not Korea. This confusion allows Stalin to believe that America has little interest of South Korea.
  • Stalin Approves South Korea Invasion

    Stalin Approves South Korea Invasion
    Kim II Sung goes to Moscow to ask Stalin permission to "liberate' South Korea. Stalin approves, giving North Korea ability to take over South Korea.
  • North Korea Invades the South

    North Korea Invades the South
    North Korean forces and troops launch a full scale invasion of South Korea. The Communists cross over the 38th parallel border and countinue their way down into the heart of South Korea, meeting little resistence as they go.
  • The Summer of Terror

    The Summer of Terror
    Because his country was being invaded by the North, South Korean president Syngman Rhee ordered his military and special police officers to eliminate the threat posed to his regime by political prisoners and leftist dissidents, whom he feared will join forces with the Communist invaders. The result was a massacre that became known as the Summer of Terror, in which Rhee's forces executed over 10,000 people.
  • North Korea Captures Seoul

    North Korea Captures Seoul
    North Korean forces manage to take over control of Seoul, South Korea's city capital.
  • Battle of Osan

    Battle of Osan
    American forces go to battle against North Korean forces at Osan. The Americans were expecting an easy victory, so they were blindsided when the North Koreans proved that they were a force to be reckoned with. The battle ended with the death of150 American soilders. Because of this lost, American forces couldn't stop the South Koreans from advancing southward.
  • Pusan Perimeter

    Pusan Perimeter
    After being pushed down further and further into the South, American and South Korean forces manage to establish themselves in a tiny area behind the Pusan Perimeter. With now over 90% of Korea under Communist control, all the soldiers could do was wait until backup forces came.
  • MacArthur's Famous Inchon Landing

    MacArthur's Famous Inchon Landing
    General MacArthur executes one of the great tactical victories in American military history. He orders a massive amphibious landing of thousands of soldiers and Marines at Inchon, which is a city located along Korea's west coast. The Inchon landing came as a shock to the Northern troops, which allowed the Americans to cut vital lines of supply to the Communist troops. Ten days after the landing, Americans manage to reconquer Seoul and all the territory under 38th parallel.
  • China Enters the War

    China Enters the War
    Chinese leader Mao Zedong orders hundreds of thousands of Chinese soldiers into battle in Korea. The massive Chinese invasion into the Korean battle catches American military leaders completely off guard, leading them to a series of crushing defeats. The hope of a quick war and swift victory came to a bitter end.
  • The Korean War Stalemate

    The Korean War Stalemate
    The first half of the Korean War in 1951 was a bittter stalemate. A stalement occurs when the fighting and battling is at a standstill and neither team is making any progress.
  • Peace Talks Have Little Effect

    Peace Talks Have Little Effect
    After being in a bloody stalemate, the United Nations passes a resolution calling for negotiations to end the war. The first peace talks between America, China, North Korea, and South Korea will take place around August of 1951, but no deal happens until nearly 2 years later. By then, more then 36,000 American troops would have lost their lives in Korea.
  • Truman Fires MacArthur

    Truman Fires MacArthur
    The Senate now passes legislation that reaffirms the purpose of a unified NATO and allows President Truman to send four American divisions to be stationed in Europe. After the legislation passed, Truman felt free to fire MacArthur.
  • Matthew Ridgway Replaces Douglas MacArthur

    Matthew Ridgway Replaces Douglas MacArthur
    After Truman and his advisors decide to let go of MacArthur, they appoint General Matthew Ridgway as Supreme Commander in Korea.
  • Eisenhower is Elected President

    Eisenhower is Elected President
    In the American presidential election,Dwight D. Eisenhower, a Republican, receives more votes than any previous candidate in American history. He built his campaign around a promise to pursue and honorable truce in the Korean War.
  • The Korean War Armistice

    The Korean War Armistice
    After two years of negotiating, the United States, North Korea, and China reach an agreement on an armistice to end the war in Korea without a formal peace treaty. Both sides claim victory; Korea remains divided at the 38th parallel.
  • The Peace Village Talks Fail

    The Peace Village Talks Fail
    Diplomats from China, North Korea, and the United States meet in Panmunjom, a 'Peace Village', located on the border between North and South Korea at the 38th parallel. They planned a political conference to reach an agreement on a final and permanent peace treaty to end the war. However, this planning ended in disaster as accusations and counter-accusations are thrown from both sides.
  • The Geneva Talks Fail

    The Geneva Talks Fail
    At a conference in Geneva, representatives from the United States and China, once again, fail to reach an agreement on the Korean issue. The armed stalemate at the 38th parallel will continue indefinitely.