
Korean and Vietnam War

  • Ho Chi Minh

    Ho Chi Minh
    Ho created revolts and communist partys against the French (since vietnam was french colony). France send Ho to death but was send to exile but came back in 1941. He created the Vietminh and by using hit-and-run tactics the French surrenered in 1954.
  • Standoff at the 38 parallel

    Standoff at the 38 parallel
    North Korea had surprissed attacked South Korea. Shortly after, North Korea had penetrated deep into South Korea territory and was taking over its land.
  • North Korea taking over

    North Korea taking over
    By this time in period, North korea had rapidly taken over South Korea peninsula except for a small area in the east around Pusan.
  • China aids war

    China aids war
    Since South Korean troops and UN almost got to Chinese borders, China sent 300,000 troops to aid North Korea. On January 1951 the UN and South Korea troops had been pushed down. MacArthur then prupose to bomb china, which in the end lost his for such thoughts.
  • MacArthur attack

    MacArthur attack
    At that same month, Douglas MacArthur created a surprise attack, troops that where pressuring north met with this souldiers and enforced the attack making North Korean troops retreat and surrender.
  • Cease-Fire agreement

    Cease-Fire agreement
    North Korea abd the UN had singed a cease-fire agreement setting the 38 parallel line again, very close to where it had been before.
  • The divison of Vietnam

    The divison of Vietnam
    After France defeat, president Eisenhower thought that a domino theory will occur. Vietnam was divided 17 north latitude, North was Ho communist forces, South was US and France anti-communist government led by Ngo Dihn Diem.
  • Diem Goes down

    Diem Goes down
    While Diem took control as a dictator, Guerillas grew called Vietcong, which consisted of North vietnam soldiers but also of South people that hated Diem government.
  • US gets involved

    US gets involved
    President Lyndon Johnson was authorized to send troops to vietnam in which over 185,000 US soldiers where sent to fight. US also started bombing vietnam. By 1968 over half a million soldiers where in combat with Noth Vietnam. Vietcong suported grew with help of china and the USSR. Unable to win US bombed millions of acers of land.
  • Protest Arrise

    Protest Arrise
    Back in teh United States protest grew in great size. President Richard Nixton created vietnamization which consisted of a plan in which US will withdraw US troops out of the vietnam war. The last troops left in 1973.