Kite Runner and the History of Afghanistan

  • Period: to

    Kite Runner- Nicole Fassina

    1975-Present Day
  • New Constitution Proposed by Khan

    From 1975-1977, "Khan proposes a new constitution that grants women rights and works to modernize the largely communist state."
  • Hassan Stands Up For Amir

    Assef was harassing Amir and Hassan and in an attempt to stand up for Amir Hassan, "held the slingshot pointed directly at Assef's face" (Hosseini 42). Amir was trembling with fear and Hassan stood up for him using his slingshot. This demonstrates Hassan's loyalty towards Amir and this event foreshadows what later happens to Hassan.
  • Amir Overhears Baba Talk to Rahim Kahn

    Amir overhears Baba say, "A boy who won't stand up for himself becomes a man who can't stand up to anything" to Rahim Kahn (Hosseini 22). Amir overhears Baba tell Rahim that he thinks that his son is a coward. This demonstrates Amir's constant need to prove his "worth" to his father.
  • Amir and Hassan Win the Kite Tournament

    After winning the kite tournament Hassan turns to Amir and says, "You won, Amir agha! You won!" (Hosseini 66). Hassan and Amir were very happy when they won the kite tournament, something that they had dreamed about for years. This demonstrates Hassan's love for Amir, that even though Amir didn't stand up for Hassan that never stopped Hassan from standing up and loving Amir.
  • Hassan is Raped by Assef

    Amir witnessed Hassan's rape and had to make a decision he could, "... step into that alley, stand up for Hassan- the way he'd stood up for me all those times in the past- and accept whatever would happen to me. Or I could run. In the end, I ran" (Hosseini 77). Amir chose to run and pretend like he didn't see Assef rape his best friend and possibly the only person who loved him unconditionally. This demonstrates Amir's desire to atone to his mistakes and foreshadows what later happens to Sohrab.
  • Amir Frames Hassan

    Amir buried his guilt and instead of dealing with it he decided to get rid of Hassan by framing him for stealing his money. When confronted about it Hassan admitted to stealing and Amir says," My heart sank... This was Hassan's final sacrifice for me" (Hosseini 105). Hassan lied to protect Amir from Baba, so he lied about stealing showing again his loyalty to Amir. Amir recognizes Hassan's loyalty and feels even more guilty, proving why Hassan's loyalty bothers him.
  • Baba Forgives Hassan

    After founding out about the watch and money Amir planted in Hassan's mattress to frame him Baba calls everyone into his office to discuss the situation, and Baba to Hassan, "I forgive you" (Hosseini 105). Amir is surprised and a little annoyed by the fact that Baba forgave Hassan so easily for stealing something while he still doesn't feel like he was forgiven for his mother's death. This shows that Baba is always sympathetic towards others except to Amir.
  • Ali and Hassan Leave Baba's House

    Even after Baba forgives Hassan Ali decides that it's best for them to leave because, "Life here is impossible for us [Ali and Hassan] now" (Hosseini 106). Ali sees how much pain Amir and Hassan's friendship has caused his son so he does the best thing he can which is leave even though it's the most painful. Amir deep down knows that the real reason they are leaving is because of him and the pain he caused Hassan, this event is just another thing that adds onto Amir's guilt.
  • Khan's Death

    In 1978, "Khan is killed in a communist coup. Nur Mohammad taraki... takes control of the country as president... they proclaim their independence from Soviet influence, and declare their policies to be based on Islamic principles, Afghan nationalism and socioeconomic justice"
  • USSR Invasion

    In 1979, "The United States cuts off assistance to Afghanistan... The USSR invades Afghanistan on Dec.24 to bolster the faltering communist regime."
  • Amir and Baba Move to America

    Baba and Amir end up fleeing to America because of the war even though, "It was living in America that gave him an ulcer" (Hosseini 125). The circumstances they were in before forced them to move to America to which Baba wasn't very happy about, he didn't like the idea of leaving his only home and it was very hard for him to adapt in America. This change in setting affects their relationship because now it seems like Amir is more in charge because of his knowledge and his age too.
  • Baba Dies

    After living in America for a while Amir and Baba soon discover that Baba has cancer. After taking pain killers for months and pills to soothe the pain one night he went to sleep and, "Baba never woke up" (Hosseini 173). Baba died in his sleep and left Amir alone and afraid to live his life without Baba being there to protect him and stand up for him. Amir is forced to learn how to protect himself and his wife and accepts what he has done in the past and let go.
  • Afghans Fled to Pakistan

    In 1982, "Some 2.8 million Afghans fled from the war to Pakistan... Afghan guerillas gain control of rural areas, and Soviet troops hold urban areas."
  • Bin Laden's First Trip

    In 1984, "...Saudi Islamist Osama bin Laden makes his first documented trip to Afghanistan to aid anti-Soviet fighters."
  • al-Qaida

    In 1988, "In September, Osama bin Laden and 15 other Islamists form the group al-Qaida, or “the base”, to continue their jihad, or holy war, against the Soviets and other who they say oppose their goal of a pure nation governed by Islam"
  • Taliban Rises to Power

    In 1995, "Newly formed Islamic militia, the Taliban, rises to power on promises of peace. Most Afghans, exhausted by years of drought, famine and war, approve of the Taliban for upholding traditional Islamic values"
  • Taliban Execution

    In 1997, "The Taliban publicly executes Najibullah."
  • Bin Laden Hides in Afghanistan

    In 2000 Bin Laden is "... considered an international terrorist, bin Laden is widely believed to be hiding in Afghanistan, where he is cultivating thousands of followers in terrorist training camps. The United States demands that bin Laden be extradited to stand trial for the embassy bombings."
  • Sohrab Attempts Suicide

    Amir tell Sohrab that for the adoption to work he would have to go back to an orphanage, Sohrab gets upset over this and soon later Amir receives good news and walks into the bathroom to tell Sohrab and he sees, "the water drops dripping from the faucet and landing with a plink into the bloody bathwater..." (Hosseini 347). Amir is heartbroken when he walks into to the bathroom and sees Sohrab's attempted suicide, he feels as though he has failed to atone to his sins and feels guilty again.
  • Amir Runs Kite for Sohrab

    Amir and Sohrab were safely back in America at a picnic with kites being flown around. Amir buys a kite and starts flying it, he is able to cut the last kite and looks to Sohrab and says, "Do you want me to run that kite for you" (Hosseini 371). Amir feels happy once again in this moment because he has finally accepted what he had done and he remembered the similar moment he shared with Hassan back in 1975 before anything bad had happened to them.
  • Amir Discover Hassan is His Half-Brother

    Back in Pakistan Amir finds out that him and Hassan are related and he feels betrayed by Baba because he was, "... a thief of the worst kind, because the things he'd stolen were sacred: from me the right to know I had a brother, from Hassan his identity, and from Ali his honor" (Hosseini 225). Amir feels betrayed because his father did the one thing he taught Amir not to do which was steal; and Baba stole the most important thing from Amir, his half-brother.
  • Hassan Dies

    Hassan and his wife are brutally murdered in the streets of Kabul when the Taliban discover there were two Hazaras living in Rahim's house so when Hassan protested leaving the house, "They took him to the street... and shot him in the back of the head" (Hosseini 219). Amir is devastated by this news and feels worse than ever because Hassan has never stopped loving him and the last thing he did to Hassan was an act of selfishness and betrayal and that just adds more to his guilt,
  • Amir Rescues Sohrab

    Amir returns to Kabul to rescue Hassan's son from and orphanage and to bring him back to Pakistan. Amir finds Sohrab in Assef's possession and fights to see who will 'win' Sohrab. Ultimately Amir wins and Sohrab says, "Let's go" to Amir (Hosseini 291). Amir and Sohrab barely make it out before Amir passes out, but Amir has finally let go of all the guilt he's held inside of him all these years and he's now atoned to his mistakes.
  • Amir Receives Phone Call From Rahim Kahn

    Amir receives a call from Rahim Kahn that says he is sick and Rahim also says to Amir, "Come. There is a way to be good again" (Hosseini 192). Amir realizes that Rahim knew all along about what happened in the alley in 1975 and decides he is going to Pakistan to visit and to find out what is it he can do to atone to his mistake back in 1975.
  • Bin Laden is Captured

    In 2011, "U.S. forces overtake a compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, and kill al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden."