Kite Runner and the History of Afghanistan

  • Baba gets the best birthday present for Hassan

    Baba gets the best birthday present for Hassan
    Hassan's birthday had arrived, and Baba got him a surgery to help his lip. Baba got one of the best plastic surgeons, Dr. Kumar. Dr Kumar said, "my job is to fix things on people's bodies. Sometimes their faces'(54). This was significant to Hassan because now he could finally look like the rest of the children Hassan knew and he was going to have a normal lip.
  • Hassan threatens Assef and his men with a slingshot

    Hassan threatens Assef and his men with a slingshot
    As Asseff, Kamal, and Wali confront Amir and Hassan when they went to go read their book on the tree. Hassan gets frustrated with the men and, :his hand trembled with the strain of the pulled elastic band and beads of sweat had erupted on his brow." Hassan had the slingshot aimed at Assef's left eye and his hand was shaking because he was threatening to let go and hit him right in the eye.
  • Hassan was sexually violated

    Hassan was sexually violated
    While Hassan had been confronted and violated by Assaf, "Hassan didn't struggle. Didn't even whimper. He moved his head slightly and caught a glimpse of his face." (86) While Hassan was being sexually violated he was too weak to move or try to defend himself, and sadly Amir had to witness this horrible event.
  • Kite Runner Tournament and Horrific Event

    Kite Runner Tournament and Horrific Event
    This was the night of the kite fights, when Amir chose not to help Hassan. He watches Hassan get raped by Assef. By not doing anything, he lives with the guilt and atones for them.“For a week, [he] barely saw Hassan.” (80) He avoided him because he was ashamed.
  • Hassan "steals" Amir's watch and money

    Hassan "steals" Amir's watch and money
    Amir hid his own money and watch so Hassan would get blamed for the one sin Baba said was unforgivable, theft. When Baba found the watch and money, he asked Hassan, "Did you steal that money? Did you steal Amir's watch Hassan?" (117) Hassan's response was a single word, "Yes." (117) Even though Amir hid his things, Hassan had the integrity to say he stole it and Amir should be grateful of that.
  • Period: to

    The Kite Runner and The History of Afghanistan

  • The Soviet Invasion and After

    The first Soviet troops parachuted into Kabul to assist Babrak Karmel,who had become president in a coup within the Afghan Communist Leadership.
  • Baba and Amir escape

    Baba and Amir escape
    This was the year that Baba and Amir escape Kabul, Afghanistan. They left to Jalalabad. From there they would be taken to Peshawar, Pakistan.“As is you weren’t supposed to get sick when you were eighteen.” (111).The last reference to time was Amir’s thirteenth birthday. Now he is eighteen. Another is, “In the morning, Jalauddin, our seventh servant in five years would probably think we’d gone out for a drive or something
  • Amir's first time in the book store in California

    Amir's first time in the book store in California
    On a Sunday in spring of 1983, "[he] walked into a small bookstore that sold used paperbacks, next to the Indian movie just west of where Amtrak crossed Fremont Boulevard".(140) This is significant because Amir was inspired by the books in California and wanted to follow his dream of being a writer and write books that everyone can read
  • Amir graduates high school

    Amir graduates high school
    That summer of 1983, Amir graduated from high school at the age of twenty, by far the oldest senior on the football field that day. During the big day, "[he] remembers losing Baba in the swarm mof families, flashing cameras, and blue gowns". (145) Amir graduated late, but he remembers the big day he got to spend with his family, bringing his relationship with Baba closer.
  • Baba dies because of lung cancer

    Baba dies because of lung cancer
    Babe dies from cancer. He called his cancer a bear through-out the book. He said that this bear was just to big for him to beat this time. We had both betrayed the people who would have given their lives for us. And with that came this realization: that Rahim Khan had summoned me here to atone not just for my sins but for Baba’s too." During baba's death, baba was trying to make amends with everyone before he goes. Amir wanted to tell Baba he was lucky to grow up with a great father.
  • Summer of 1988

    Summer of 1988
    The summer of 1988 is when Amir followed his life long dream of being a writer and finished his, "first novel, a father-son story set in Kabul". (182) Amir is staying true to himself and following his dreams even if his family thinks it is a professional carrer good enough for the family. Amir is staying true to himself and becoming a professional writer/publisher.
  • Amir's first book

    Amir's first book
    While Amir was talking with Soroya he said, "Up to this? It's the happiest day of my life." When Amir published his first book he was telling Soroya that it is the happiest day of my life and he was excitedc to be with his family on a special day like his book publishing.
  • The Soviet Invasion and After

    After peace talks moderated by the UN, the last Soviet troops left Afghanistan, in what was in effect a uniteral withdrawal.
  • Amir and Soroya try to conceive a baby

    Amir and Soroya try to conceive a baby
    Soraya and Amir have been trying to concieve a baby. They began trying to concieve but by 1991 they were unsucessful. Soraya is very disappointed that they have not concieved and brings the news to her parents. "God knows best, bachem. Maybe it wasn't meant to be." (186) These are the words Soraya's mother can find to help in comforting her daughter. They have a final option to concider which is adoption.
  • The Taliban Takeover

    Pakistani officers began funneling arms, money and supplies to Mullah Omar's men, as well as military advsers to help guide them in battle
  • The Soviet Invasion and After

    After Soviet forces departed, Afghanistan descended into vicious internecine strife, and the power was anarchially divided among competing warlords and individual firedoms.
  • The Taliban Takeover

    Mullah Omar had nearly 12,000 followers and was rolling up the warlords to the north and east.
  • The Talibian Takeover

    The Taliban provided a heaven for Mr. bin Laden, who arriived by charted jet at Jalalabad Airport.
  • Amir is reunited with Assef

    Amir is reunited with Assef
    Amir runs into the Assef, the bully from their childhood, and Assef is trying to get Sohrab back from the Taliban, while Amir makes a deal with the talib general, and the general asked, "Whatever happened to old Babalu, anyway?' This is importangt because Amir has realized that the man he is talking about is Assef who is the one who violated Hassan many years ago.
  • Post 9/11 Invasion

    After the attack on the World Trade Center in New Yrk, presidennt George W. Bush gave the Taliban an ultimatum to hand over to Mr. bin Laden. When they refused, US made alliances with the rebelsthat had never excepted Taliban rule.
  • The Karazai Government

    Hamid Karazai, a supporter and relative of Mohammad Zahir, the exiled former king of Afhanistan, wasnamed chairman of an intern government that replaced the defeated Taliban, making him the leader of the country
  • The Karazai Government

    Hamid Karazai had been elected to a five year term as the president of Afghanistan
  • Obama's War

    Obama announced his plan to deploy 30,000 additional troops
  • Baba and Amir live in Fremont, Califronia

    Baba and Amir live in Fremont, Califronia
    Baba and Amir are now living in Fremont, California.
    “In 1980, when they were still in Kabul, the U.S. announced it would be boycotting the Olympic Games in Moscow.” (126). “For two years, I tried to get Baba to enroll in ESL classes to improve his broken English. But he scoffed at the idea.” (126). Since Baba and Amir were now livibng in California, they had to learn to adapt to their language and their lifestyle, so Amir was trying to help him adapt to his new environment.
  • Fleeing to America

    Fleeing to America
    While Amir and Baba were leaving for America they were on the truck and, "There were others, in all about a dozen, including Baba and me, sitting with our suitcases between our legs, cramped with these strangers in the tarpaulin-covered cab of an old Russian truck".(112) Amir and Baba left Kabul and have moved to America to begin a new life.