By kym
  • United Nations Charter is Signed

    United Nations Charter is Signed
    The UN was founded post World War II to replace the League of Nations, and was designed to stop wars between countries and to keep peace. Canada was one of the first proud nations to sign the Charter.

    After 6 yrs and a day, WWII finally ended, V-E Day
    Victory in Europe was acheived on May 8, 1945 a few days after Hitler had killed himself. Canada played a major role to achieve victory in Europe espeically with the RCAF, RCN and the army itself that supported the Allies Powers. V-J day occured on Septembr 2, 1945 where WWII officially ended.
  • Creation of NATO

    Creation of NATO
    NATO became to a system of collective defence among several nations bordering the Atlantic Ocean. Many of these nations, including Canada were concerned by the USSR's military power and decided to join NATO. During this time, PM Trudeau reduced the Canadian armed forces in Europe under NATO.
  • Communist Take Control of China

    Communist Take Control of China
    The Communist Party of China (CPC) seized political power under the leadership of Mao Zedong. Despite this political shift, Canada did not follow the aggressive actions American-Chinese relations would take.
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    The US and 15 other countries including Canada came together to fight against the Korean army post the invasion of North Korea, Canada was assisted with medical supply services from other nations rather instead of fighting and sending citizens to battle. Ended on July 27, 1953
    By the end of the war, more than 516 Canadian troops died.
  • Creation of the WARSAW Pact

    Creation of the WARSAW Pact
    Disestablished: July 1, 1991 When West Germany was permited to enter NATO, the Warsaw Pact was signed by the Communist states of Europe under Soviet influence. It was a treaty of mutual defence and military aid.
  • The Vietnam War

    The Vietnam War
    Ended: April 30, 1975 Canada was not participating in this war, but the United States supported the anti-communist part of Vietnam while they opposed northern and communist Vietnam. Throughout the course of the war, the United States would commit over half a million soldiers. Near 60,000 American forces died in this war, and about 125,000 Americans fled to Canada to avoid the Vietnam draft.
  • Suez Crisis

    Suez Crisis
    In 1956 Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal. This action by Eygpt offended the British and French who then attacked Eygpt. Responding to British and French presence in the canal, Egypt sank 40 ships, blocking all the passages. The UN asked Canada to keep the peace, who was under the leadership of Lester Pearson. He created the first ever UN peacekeeping force, peace was achieved. Pearson later was awarded the Noble Prize for Peace.
    Ended: November 7, 1956
  • Construction of the Berlin Wall begins

    Construction of the Berlin Wall begins
    East Germany decided to build a wall to prevent the West from from crossing the border. Overnight, the Berlin Wall was built stretching over a hundred miles, and became a symbol of democracy against communism.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    USSR planned to place missiles in Cuba, because they were threatened by the US. Having missiles simillar to the US, the Soviets doubled the arsenal and in hopes that the US would steer clear of attack. The US learned about this strategy and demanded these missiles be removed. The President John F. Kennedy warned Premier Nikita Khrushchev that if any missle was launched, he would retaliate.
  • End of Cuban Missle Crisis

    End of Cuban Missle Crisis
    The Cuban Missle Crisis marked the closest to a nuclear war, which every nation, including Canada, feared. On October 28, 1962, Prime Minister Khrushchev proclaimed that he would remove the missles, trusting that the US would not attack.
  • Berlin Wall is Torn Down

    Berlin Wall is Torn Down
    As Communism began to falter in Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia in 1988 and 1989, and many East Germans wanted to flee to the West. On November 9, 1989, an announcement was made opening the borders. Soon engough, the Berlin Wall was torn down with people from both sides.
  • USSR invades Afghanistan

    USSR invades Afghanistan
    The USSR invaded Afghanistan in pursuit of better access to the Indian Ocean for trade and their naval fleet and later realized it was full of valuable natural resources such as natural gas, uranium, iron ore and copper.
    The war ended on Februrary 15, 1989. About a million Afghans lost their lives as the Red Army tried to acheive control and millions more fled as refugees, while around 15 000 Soviets lost their lives.