Key Moments in Cyberpunk History

  • Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

    Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
    A novel written by Philip K. Dick. Provided the idea for the movie 'Blade Runner'. Addresses the concepts of androids and whether or not they have emotions/senses etc. Also questions whether an androids life is as valuable as a humans.
  • Web of Angels

    Web of Angels
    The first novel to portray the battle within cyberspace. Written by John M. Ford. Addressed topics that would later be referred to as cyberpunk.
  • Blade Runner

    Blade Runner
    Ridley Scott's 'Blade Runner' is released in cinemas. Addresses the concepts of cloning, robots and cybernetics. Alos represents the war between humans and technology.
  • Neuromancer

    A novel by Wiliam Gibson. Gibson is the most famous writer asosociated with the term 'cyberpunk'. This novel has been regarded as "the archetypal cyberpunk work".
  • The Matrix

    The Matrix
    Written and Directed by the Wachowski brothers. Addresses the concepts of virtual reality and living in cyberspace. Also represents a human's choice to live within said cyberspace.