
Kenneth Thompson

  • Birth

    Kenneth Thompson was born in New Orleans, Louisiana on February 4th, 1943
  • Bachelors Degree

    Bachelors Degree
    In 1965 Ken graduated from the University of California Berkeley with a bachelors degree of science.
  • Masters Degree

    Masters Degree
    In 1966 Ken graduated with a masters degree in electrical engineering and computer science from the University of California, Berkeley.
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    Space Travel

    During his time at Bell Labs ken created the video game named space travel . Space travel was a single player stimulation game that was officially released in 1969.
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    Hired @ Bell Labs

    After receiving his masters he was hired at bell labs. He created the bon programming language while working with Dennis Ritchie on the Multics operating system.
  • UNIX

    In the 70s ken developed the unix operating system, after the first few versions of the software he started to work with Dennis Ritchie to further develop the system.
  • Break & BDE

    In '75 ken took a break from bell labs and went back to UC Berkeley. During his time in Berkeley he installed the 6th version of unix on a PDP-11/70. Berkeley maintained this as their own system under the name BDE (Berkeley Software Distribution).
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    Between 1976 and 1980, He collaborated with Joe Condon to create Belle, a champion chess computer. Joe worked on hardware while Ken worked on software.
  • Development

    In the 80s Ken and Dennis worked together to improve the unix system, during this time they developed the 8th, 9th and 10th versions of Unix.
  • Turing Award

    In 1983 ken and Dennis received the Turing award for the development and implementation of the Unix operating system
  • Inferno

    During the 90s ken worked with dennis and coworkers at bell labs to create the inferno operating system which was a research operating system.
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    Three's a Charm

    During the 90's Ken and Dennis received three accolades for their work on the Unix operating system.
    1990-IEEE Richard W. Hamming Medal
    1997-Inducted as members into the Computer History Museum
    1999-The 1998 National Medal of Technology was awarded to them by president Bill Clinton.
  • UTF-8

    In 1992 with the help of rob pike, ken created the UTF-8 encoding. This encoding has become the dominant character encoding for the WWW and is accounting for more than half of all web pages.
  • Tsutomu Kanai Award

    In 1999 ken received the first ever Tsutomu Kanai Award for his work on the UNIX operating system
  • Retire from bell labs

    Retire from bell labs
    In the late 2000s ken retired from bell labs, he currently works as a distinguished engineer at Google.