Keeping the moon

Keeping the Moon by Sarah Dessen

  • Total Pages: 228

    Pages 1-23; total (23) Nicole (Colie) Sparks and her mother Katharine (Kiki) are two over-weight women, doing anything to get by while living in their car traveling anywhere they pleased. The only definite thing they could count on was each other. After rear ending a car in a parking lot, Katharine offers to work off the cost by working at the owner's gym, Lady Fitness. She always wanted to lose weight, and when she had the chance, she to a new level and started her own weight loss program.
  • Pages 23-67 (total 44)

    Colie is sent to spend the summer with her Aunt Mira while her mother promotes her weightloss program. Colie goes to the local diner and in the chaos of the dinner rush, she recieves a job from the only two waitresses there Morgan and Isabel. Morgan is engaged and very responsible, while Isabel is a very opinonated blonde who gets all the guys. throughout these chapters Colie realizes how mistreated her Aunt Mira is in her small town and how her quirky personality is talked about constantly.
  • Pages 67-151 (total 84)

    Weeks pass, and Colie becomes extremely close with Norman, her aunt's butler. One day at work, Morgan is worried about things between her and Mark and she heads out to the hotel where he's staying at during his time off. She discovers him in bed with his pregnant wife. This girl Caroline Dawes bullies and pushes around Colie, spreading terrible rumors to anyone who hasn't met her yet. She finally stands up for herself when Caroline tells Josh, a guy she really likes, about how she's a freak.
  • Pages 151-228 (total 77)

    Going from having no friends to a group of supportive and understanding best friends Colie's life changes from that one summer in Colby. When Morgan mentions a frog necklace Isabel used to wear, she remembers the picture of an overweight "nerd" and realizes it's Isabel and that's why she understands Colie's battle with weight loss. To close out the book, the group watches the eclipse and for once Colie isn't afraid of being judged or made fun of. She is cared about and has support for being her.