Venture capital vs crowdfunding

Crowdfunding and venture capital industry timeline


    OUYA was a record-breaking Android based video game console that raised its objective of financing within eight hours. The campaign target is $950k and the collected amount is $8596474.It was one of the highest funded video game entirely funded on kickstarter. This campaign is temporary because it has an end: August,9, 2012.Unique because the crowdfunding is highest earning.Deliverable is the profit through crowdfunding.
    The time is fixed,Quality optimized and cost is accepted.
  • PONO MUSIC.crowdfunding for developing a portable digital media player.

    PONO MUSIC.crowdfunding for developing a portable digital media player.
    PONO was a portable digital media player and music download service for high resolution audio.The campaign target is $800k and raised amount is $6,225,354, It is one of the most successful Kickstarter campaigns ever. This campaign is temporary because it has an end:April,15,2014.Unique because the pono music have high resolution audio.Deliverable is the music player and profit through crowdfunding.Therefore this is a project.
    The time is fixed, Quality is optimized and cost is accepted.
  • Pebble time second generation version of the smart watch.

    Pebble time second generation version of the smart watch.
    The pebble time is the second time generation version of the smartwatch called the pebble. The pebble itself was one of the highest backed projects on Kickstarter. The target is $500k and the amount collected is $20,338,986. This campaign is temporary as the end date is 27/03/2015, unique because it is highly funded kickstarter and the deliverable is the collected amount.
    The time is fixed, quality is optimized and cost is accepted.
  • Tech STARS

    Tech STARS
    Tech stars is the worldwide network that helps the entrepreneurs succeed.Tech stars venture capital fund is innovative and it helps more than 1,000 companies with a market cap of $8.1 billion.This campaign is temporary because it ended on June 30,2018,unique because its innovative and has a market cap of $8.1 billion.It is also deliverable because it has a fixed amount. Therefore it is a project.
    The time is fixed, quality is optimised and cost is accepted.
  • Kashish 2019 crowdfunding campaign: Kashish 2019 is supported every year by modest sponsorships. But most important is the generosity of individual donors from across the world who contribute to the festival through this campaign.

    Kashish 2019 crowdfunding campaign: Kashish 2019 is supported every year by modest sponsorships. But most important is the generosity of individual donors from across the world who contribute to the festival through this campaign.
    The crowdfunding target is rs 5 Lakhs. Though it is the small percentage of the overall festival budget, it is very crucial and significant one says the team.This campaign is temporary as the end date is 06/16/2019, unique because the campaign is for funding only this project and the deliverable is the collected amount .Therefore this is a project.
    The time is fixed, quality is optimized and the cost is accepted.

    The university venture fund is founded in the year 2004 and is currently active.The uvf is the largest student managed venture capital fund in is an independent venture fund that helps students in the country. This is a project because it is temporary and will end after a certain is unique as it is the largest student managed venture fund and the deliverable is the fund collected.
    The time is fixed, quality is optimised and cost is accepted.