Kamara Road To The Revolution Project

  • The French & Indian War

    1.Started in 1754 and ended in 1763
    2.The Britain colonies were stationed along the eastern seaboard of North America. The France controlled the large area of the middle western land in what is USA
    3.The French and their board network of Natve Americans alliances
    4.Britain that won the war
    5.The cost of the war had greatly enlarged Britain's debt
  • Treaty of Paris

    1.The French and Indian War/Seven Years' War between Great Britain and France,as well as their respective allies.
    2.Colonized people also attended British schools and churches,allowing them access to education and religion.
    3.France ceded Canada,DominicaGrenada,St. Vincent and the Grenadines,Tobago.
  • Pontiac's War

    In May1763 Pontiac and his allies attacked British forts and settlements throughout the area.
    The British treated the American Indians harshly compared to the French.
    The leader of the Ottawa nations Pontiac formed and alliance of western native Americans
  • Proclamation of 1763

    To organize Great Britain's new North American empire and to stabilize relations with Native North Americans through regulation of trade, settlement, and land purchases on the western frontier.
    So the British won't they won't provent a war with the Indians.
    Colonists became angry with the Proclamation of 1763 because many already had land in the area West of the Appalachians.
  • Sugar Act

    Was a revenue-raising act.
    To make the colonists pay for their own defense and make money off the colonists.
    They angry and ignored the molasses acts higher tax and smugged the goods.
  • Stamp Act

    1.A law that was introducing a tax on any paper,including newspapers,white papers,books,various documents,etc.
    2.To help pay for defending and protecting the Americans frontier near the Appalachian.
    3.The colonists repealed the Stamp Act.
    4.The ccolonists didnt like to pay taxes and they have no direct reprsentation in government.
    5.By fighting and boycotting the British that would lose their jobs in the colonists.
  • Quartering Act

    1.It required the colonies to house of British soldiers in barracks provided by the colonies.
    2.It was for the colonies to have better laws but instead they didn't really like the laws that the British
  • Stamp Act Congress

  • Townsend Acts

  • Boston Massacre

  • Tea Act

  • The Boston Tea Party

  • The Intolerable Acts

  • The Contiental Congress

  • Lexington and Concord

  • Second Continental Congress

  • Battle of Bunker Hill