
By 25410
  • softball glove

    softball glove
    Spalding saw a glove being used by a first baseman to protect his hand in 1875.
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    It was invented in 1887 in Chicago as an indoor game. It was at various times called indoor baseball, mush ball, playground, softbund ball, kitten ball, and, because it was also played by women, ladies' baseball
  • softball invented

    softball invented
    It was invented in 1887 in Chicago as an indoor game. It was at various times called indoor baseball, mush ball, playground, softbund ball, kitten ball, and, because it was also played by women, ladies' baseball and The first softball bat can be traced to 1887. It was also made on Thanksgiving Day.
  • softball

    The first league began in 1897 in Toronto.
  • softball name

    softball name
    In 1926, Walter Hakanson coined the term “softball” while representing the YMCA at a National Recreation Congress meeting.
  • softball

    In 1934, the Joint Rules Committee on Softball collaborated to create a set of standardized rules.
  • softball bats

    softball bats
    Wooden bats were then used until the introduction of the aluminum bat in 1970. Read more :
  • softball fast-pitch

    softball fast-pitch
    In 1991, women's fast-pitch softball was selected to debut at the 1996 Summer Olympics
  • softball

    National Governing Body of Softball, was established in 1933
  • softball

    Women's softball made its first Olympic appearance in 1996 and made its final Olympic appearance in the 2008 games.
    At the 1996 Summer Olympics one pitch reached 73.3 miles per hour.
  • softball

    In 1997 the Women’s Pro Softball Leagues was formed