
  • Baby's birth

    Baby's birth
    The baby is born.
  • Period: to


  • Baby sleeps all night.

    Baby sleeps all night.
    the second night the baby sleeps all night.
  • Baby can tell what direction sound coming from

    Baby can tell what direction sound coming from
    This baby can tell what direction the sound is coming from
  • baby move hands and fingers

    baby move hands and fingers
    Baby's at 12 weeks are able to move fingers and hands precisely in relation to what is seen
  • Baby lifts head to see

    Baby lifts head to see
    Baby lifts head to see. took basically 3 months
  • Baby grab toys

    Baby grab toys
    Baby begins to grab toys and hold them at 4 months
  • The baby starts rolling over on stomach to back

    The baby starts rolling over on stomach to back
    At 5 months the baby starts rolling over on back and stomach.
  • Baby moving

    Baby moving
    At 6 months babies will be sliding around on their tummies while pushing against the floor.
  • Baby is scooting on the ground

    Baby is scooting on the ground
    At 7 months old babies are able to scoot on the ground and creep.
  • Baby is holding themselves up holding to chair

    Baby is holding themselves up holding to chair
    At 8 months baby can hold themselves up holding on to chair or sofa
  • Baby is climbing up and down the stairs

    Baby is climbing up and down the stairs
    at 9 months babies are able to crawl up and down the stairs
  • Baby can crawl and squat while holding onto things.

    Baby can crawl and squat while holding onto things.
    Babies at this age can crawl, pull from a seated position to standing, squat while holding on or sit back down, and cruise around while holding onto the furniture or your hands.
  • Baby is walking while holding onto furniture

    Baby is walking while holding onto furniture
    At 11 months your will be walking while holding onto furniture
  • Baby takes steps

    Baby takes steps
    Baby starting to walk and take a couple steps
  • Baby can fully grab and hold stuff

    Baby can fully grab and hold stuff
    At 12 months old the baby will be able to grab stuff and hold them without struggling.