JPardinas Holocaust

  • Hitler is appointed chancellor

    In 1932, the Nazi party earned 37% of the vote and became Germanys largest political party.
  • Hitler gains power and takes away rights

    Hitler makes the destruction of the Reichstag and accuses a communist and took everybodys rights like freedom of speech, press, assembly, invasion of privacy, and search without warrant.
  • Three Day Boycott on Jewish Businesses

    The storm troops were sent in front of Jewish businesses without using any violence.
  • Strip Jews from many things

    The Germans adopted the Nuremburg Laws. They stripped German citizenship from Jews, took their business and kicked out Jewish students. They prohibited marriage between jews and Germans and many other things.
  • The U.S and other countries don't want to help

    President Franklin organizes a meeting with 33 other countries to try to solve the issue with refugees trying to flee Germany. None of the countries including the U.S do not want to increase on how many Jews are admitted.
  • The start of World War 2

    Germany invade Poland and established ghettos in cities. In may they start taking over Denmark, Norway, Holland, Belgium, and France.
  • Massacre of Jewish people

    In september more than 30,000 Jews are killed in a ravine. The killed or burned alive. Many German officails started to protest that this was a waste of time.
  • The final way to kill Jews

    They adopted gas chambers that looked like shower rooms. Many people died because of the gas chambers.
  • Defeat is iminent

    When the sovient army was close to the camp the Germans stated to kill all the Jews in the camp.
  • Horrified at what they see

    The liberating troops were horrified when they saw the concentration camps. The Nazis killed 6 million Jews and million of other innocent civilians.