
By Anwww
  • Mar 27, 1400

    Henry the Navigator

    Henry the Navigator
    Henry the Navigator helps with the Portuguese exploration. In early 1400s, he supported the ones who wished to sail. Henrys goal was to find a water route around Africa to India. He sailed for Africa.
  • Mar 27, 1488

    Bartolomeu Dias

    Bartolomeu Dias
    Bartolomeu Dias became the first European to attempt to sail around the Southern tip of Africa. He started sailing in 1488. His place of destination was India. He sailed for Africa.
  • Mar 27, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Christopher Columbus set out to find new routes to the riches of the East. He sailed for one year. He came from spain and he was trying to make it to China.
  • Mar 27, 1497

    Vasco da Gama

    Vasco da Gama
    Vasco da Gama was a Portuguese explorer. He sailed for a little more than 10 months, more like 2 years. He was trying to get to India. He sailed for Portugual.
  • Mar 28, 1497

    John Cabot

    John Cabot
    John Cabot sailed and founded what is now Canda. He never came back after setting out for another voyage. So were not sure how long he sailed. He sailed for England and found Canada, but the second time he failed because he never came back.
  • Mar 27, 1500

    Pedro Cabral

    Pedro Cabral
    Pedro Cabral claimed the land that is now Brazil. He sailed for one year. He was sailing to the west. He sailed for Portugal.
  • Mar 28, 1502

    Amerigo Vespucci

    Amerigo Vespucci
    Amerigo Vespucci sailed to South America and concluded it was not Asia but a new land. He sailed for a year. He sailed from Africa and came to the new land.
  • Mar 27, 1513

    Vacso Nunez de Balboa

    Vacso Nunez de Balboa
    Vasco Nunez de Balboa led an expedition across the ISthmus of Panama, he was the first European to see the Pacific Ocean. He sailed for more than 3 weeks. He was coming from
  • Mar 28, 1519

    Ferninand Magellan

    Ferninand Magellan
    Ferninand Magellan and his people were the first people to sail the whole world. He sailed for Spain and sailed for 3 years.
  • Mar 28, 1519

    Hernan Cortes

    Hernan Cortes
    Hernan Cortes led a small force of soldiers into Mexico and conquered the Aztec Empire.
  • Mar 28, 1524

    Giovanni da Verazzano

    Giovanni da Verazzano
    Giovanni da Verazzano actually discovered the Hudson River before Henry Hudson did and he explored the Hudson Bay. He started sailing inn 1524. He sailed for France and discovered the Hudson Bay and River before anybody else did.
  • Mar 28, 1529

    Francisco Pizzaro

    Francisco Pizzaro
    Francisco Pizzaro led an expedition to Peru. He had hoped to get some of the wealth of the empire.
  • Mar 28, 1534

    Jacques Cartier

    Jacques Cartier
    Jacques Cartier founded the province of New France, which is now Canada. He sailed for 2 years. He sailed for France and found Canada.
  • Mar 28, 1577

    Sir Francis Drake

    Sir Francis Drake
    Sir Francis Drake rounded the tip of South America and explored the west coast. He sailed for 3 years. He sailed for England.
  • Samuel de Chaplain

    Samuel de Chaplain
    Samuel de Chaplain founded the city of Quebec. Him and some more french explorers found the mississippi river and thought it took them to Asia.
  • Henry Hudson

    Henry Hudson
    Henry Hudson set out to find a path to Asia and did not find it, but he founded a river that is now named after him. He sailed for England and the Netherlands and explored what we now call New York. He set out to sail in 1609.
  • Rene Robert La Salle

    Rene Robert La Salle
    Rene canoed down the entire mississippi river to the gulf of Mexico. He claimed the whole region and its tributaries for France. He named all of this Louisiana.