John Adam's

  • John Adams when born.

    John Adams when born.
    John Adams was born on October 30th in 1735 in.
  • First child

    First child
    John Adams was the first of three children to be born.
  • Born and alive

    By the time Jon Adams was born in 1735, the Adams family had been farming the same land in Massachusetts for almost over 100 years.
  • Passed

    John Adam's passed his examination test for Harvard. In this year.
  • Become a lawyer

    Become a lawyer
    Despite temptation, Adams didn't give up. On November 6, 1758 he appeard before the Superior Court in Boston, where he was warmly sponsored by Gridley. He took his oath and was admitted to the bar and baceame a lawyer.
  • Time where tough

    In the 1760 thing become very difficult. There were many problems that people came across. Great britian passed harsh tax laws. John Adams was the one of many who apposed these taxes.
  • Death of John's dad

    John Adams dad dies in the year of 1761 in the month of May.
  • Official Stamp Act

    Official Stamp Act
    A british official was attacked because of the Stamp Act.
  • John Quincy Adams

    John Quincy Adams
    His son was born in Braintree, Massachusetts on July 11, 1767. John Quincy Adams turned out to be the 6th president.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    An incident escalated between British soldiers and people fro Boston and soldiers started firing on unarmed Americans. A famous drawing was made of the incident
  • Adams resigns

    John reesigned from his job. He dropped his position in the general court.
  • Boston Tea party

    Boston Tea party
    All of the Colonist did the Boston Tea Party in December.
  • John attended congress

    John attended first Continental congress in September.
  • The Revolutionary War begins

    The Revolutionary War begins
    The 17th was when the Revolutionary War began.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    This was a major battle between the British and the Americans
  • Treaty of Peace

    Treaty of Peace
    The Treaty of Peace was singed with Great Britian, ending the American Revolutionary war.
  • Big day for George Washington

    Big day for George Washington
    On the 30th this day, George Washington became the first president of the new United States.
  • Take office

    Take office
    This was the day when when John Adams took office.
  • XYZ Affair

    XYZ Affair
    John Adams referred the 3 French agents as X, Y, and Z. That what they were known as
  • John filled the spots

    John filled the spots
    John Adams had filled 16 of the judges spots.
  • John Adams wife died

    John Admas wife, Abigail Adams died. Abigail was Johns wife.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of independence was on this day the 24th.
  • When John Adams died

    When John Adams died
    John Adams died on July, 4th in 1826
  • Tutor and professor

    He was educated at cambride and he became a fellow tutor and profsessor.