John Adam Timeline

  • Born=

    He was born on October 30th.
  • Backround =

    Backround =
    he was a student at Harvard College in 1751 graduating in four years and then studying law. He married Abigail Smith. He had 5 children
  • His Father Death=

    His Father Death=
    Adams' father dies during an influenza epidemic. Adamsget notified that he will get all his fathers money , which includes property and his fathers home, and all the stuff in it.
  • Adams First Newspaper=

    Adams First Newspaper=
    Adams publishes his first newspaper pieces. Under the pseudonym "Humphrey Ploughjogger," he lampoons human nature; as "U," he espouses balance between monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    Went to Paris with John Jay and Benjamin Franklin to arrange peace treaty with Great Britain ending the Revolutionary War. They made the Treaty of Paris. If he didn't go to france they would still be in war with france, 8yrs.
  • Nabby is Born=

    Nabby is Born=
    John and Abigail's first child,Nabby is born. Adam is very happy at the news. Nabby married Colonel William Stephens Smith, who had served as John's secretary in London.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act required all legal documents, licenses, commercial contracts, newspapers, pamphlets, and playing cards to carry a tax stamp. John Adams help stops this unfair act by electing a guy to make the British stop taxing them. In 1766 the Stamp Act is repealed.
  • John Quincy=

    John Quincy=
    Son John Quincy was born. He followed his fathers footsteps in being a president. He did a great a great job as well.
  • Susanna is Born=

    Susanna is Born=
    December 28: A second daughter, Susanna, is born. John is real happy now a secong daughter. She dies at thirteen months!
  • Charles was born=

    Charles was born=
    Son Charles was born. He later went to Harvard and became a lawyer. He married and had two daughters. However, he was a chronic alcoholic and he died from this condition at 30
  • Thomas Boylston was born=

    Thomas Boylston was born=
    Son Thomas Boylston was born. He was a representative to the Massachusetts legislature from 1809 to 1811 and served as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party is the latest clash between colonists and the king. A group opposed to the tea tax ransacks three docked British ships and dumps tons of tea into Boston Harbor
  • First Contenential Congress

    First Contenential Congress
    Decided to solve important issues such as how their government is going to be.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    It was the document that got America's independence. It included right and how they were free from the British!
  • The Second Contienetal Congress

    The Second Contienetal Congress
    The Second Continental Congress adopts the Articles of Confederation. States are responsible for their own judicial and legislative systems and are granted powers later held by the federal government. Creates Contiental army!
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    It was a meeting that was held to decide how their government should be run. It was important because people decided what their constitution should be like.
  • Life as V.P=

    Life as V.P=
    John Adams was V.P for Washington for two terms.
  • Constitution

    The constitution was made and signed. It was offical on how their government was.
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    The bill of rights was created to give people rights other than what was in the constitution. Plus amendments got added on to it to make it even better plus a lot more fair.
  • Sedition and Foriegn Affair=

    Sedition and Foriegn Affair=
    Alien Act: allowed the president ot imprison or import alien that was suspected of doing wrong.
    Sedition Act: Anyone speaking against the government could be arrested.
    Adams and Madison wrote protests called the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
  • xyz Affair=

    xyz Affair=
    Adams sent a person to france so they could settle the robbing of ships and the crew members that were heading to Britain. France sent three men caleed x, y, z men as John Adams would call them. They came to negotiate will the U.S asking for money to stop robbing ships. Obviously they didn't agree and didn't accept. Eventually they signed a treaty with France to stop war and the robbing of the ships.
  • The Alien and Sedition Acts=

    The Alien and Sedition Acts=
    The Alien and Sedition Acts were four bills passed by the Federalists and signed by John adams to be passed which they did.
  • Died=

    His live was important because he brought a lot of ideas to the table and helped bring the U.S to the sugcess it has today.
  • House of Representatives

    House of Representatives
    House of Representatives was created. It was created to make sure one person didn't get to much power so a whole house would have a say.