JK Rowling

By jo1024
  • JK Rowling is born!

    Joanne Rowling is born! She soon takes the nickname JK using her aunt's name Kathleen to be the "K".
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    JK starts to write Harry Potter

    In a small cafe the idea starts to be written down and Jo starts to put her plan to action. She writes while on Welfare and caring for a baby.
  • Anne Volant Rowling dies

    JK Rowling's mother, Anne Volant Rowling dies. This make Jo slip into a deep depression.
  • JK Rowling marries Jorge Arantes

    JK Rowling met Jorge Arantes and they got married. They met in Portugal where Jo was teaching English and fell in love.
  • Jessica Rowling is born and JK and Jorge get a divorce

    Jorge and Joanne have a baby girl. However, this marriage comes to a sharp end with a divorce. Joanne is left with no money to try and care for two mouths.
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    JK is rejected by 9 publishers

    JK Rowling attempts to publish her book but is rejected by 9 publishers. She starts to think of herself as a failure.
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    New York Times Best-Seller

    JK Rowling's first three Harry Potter Books hit the top 3 slots in the Ney York Times Best-Seller list. This boosts her confidence in her book after so many people rejected her.
  • JK Rowling marries Neil Murray

    JK Rowling falls in love with Neil Murray and marries him. With this she is able to start her new life.
  • David Gordon Rowling Murray is born

    Neil and JK have JK Rowling's second child David Gordon Rowling Murray. This is another start to JK's new and improved life.
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    Loses her "Billionaire" status

    JK Rowling loses her billionaire status by donating 16% of her net worth (160 million dollars) to charity. This is probably because she knows what it is like to live in poverty and the struggles that comes with that.
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    Worldwide Sales!!

    JK Rowling's worldwide sales of the famous Harry Potter surpasses 450 million copies. JK Rowling the first author to become a billionaire.