Jewish Persecution

  • 475 BCE

    475 BCE

    475 BCE
    Haman attempts genocide against the Jews
  • 138 BCE

    139 BCE

    139 BCE
    Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio Hispanus expels all Jews from the city of Rome
  • 63 BCE

    63 BCE

    12,000 Jews die and many more are sent into the diaspora
  • 38 BCE

    38 BCE

    Anti-Jewish riots erupt in Alexandria, countless Jews are killed, synagogues are defiled Jewish leaders are publicly scourged
  • 119


    Roman Emperor Hadrian bans circumcision making Judaism de facto illegal
  • 418


    The first record of Jews being forced to convert or face expulsion
  • 529


    Byzantine Emperor Justinian the Great publishes Corpus Juris Civilis. New laws restrict citizenship to Christians. Jewish civil rights restricted:"they shall enjoy no honors"
  • 1096


    The First Crusade, 800 are killed in Worms. Another 1200 Jews commit suicide to escape. All in all 5,000 Jews were murdered.
  • 1190


    57 Jews in St. Edmunds are killed in a massacre on Palm Sunday
  • 1287


    A 16 year old boy is found dead in the Rhine. Immediately the Jews of Oberwesel are accused of killing the boy. Over 40 men, women, and children were killed by rioters.
  • 1328


    5,000 Jews are massacred and their houses are burned down following anti-Jewish preaching by a Franciscan friar
  • 1474


    On Assumption day August 15 1474, Christians wreaked brutal havoc on the Jewish dwellers of Modica. Christians slaughtered 360 Jews.
  • 1631

    Due to awful conditions in the Jewish Ghetto of Padua, 421 out of the 721 Jews living in the ghetto perish
  • 1686

    Only 500 Jews survive after Austria sieges the city of Buda. Half of them are sold into slavery.
  • 1785

    Ali Burzi Pasha murders hundreds of Libyan Jews
  • 1805

    200-500 Algerian Jews are massacred in what was dubbed the Black Sabbath massacre
  • 1850

    Das Judenthum in der Musik is published attacking Jews in general and composers Giacomo Meyerbeer and Felix Menelssohn in particular
  • 1882

    First International Anti-Jewish Congress convenes at Dresden, Germany
  • 1918

    3,000-10,000 Mountain Jews are killed during March Days
  • 1925

    Adolf Hitler publishes Mein Kampf