Jewish Modern Era

By dsho
  • Aug 10, 1492

    Expulsion from Spain

    Traits: Expulsion
    Locations: Spain
    Consequences: The Golden Age for Jews ends and Jews leave to Amsterdam and Venice
  • Aug 10, 1492

    Jews start spreading out

    Jews start spreading out
  • Period: Aug 10, 1492 to

    Jewish Modern Era

  • Period: Aug 10, 1492 to

    Early Modern Period

  • Period: Sep 15, 1510 to Sep 15, 1569

    Dona Gracia HaNasi

  • Sep 15, 1516

    1st Jewish Ghetto created in Venice

  • Sep 15, 1565

    Shulchan Aruch Created

  • Baruch Spinoza

    Challenged notion of Identity
    Helped usher in European Enlightenment
    Ideas influenced western notions of truth, God, Religious institutions, individual liberty, government, emotion
    Spinoza came from a Sephardic family from Spain who were refugees of The Expulsion.
    Began to form radical ideas because of well rounded learning
    Ideas challenged the nature of Truth
    Mahamad put him in Cherem for ideas
    Was the first Secular Jew
  • 1st Jewish Community in North America

  • Moses Mendellsohn

    Moses Mendelssohn (6 September 1729[1] – 4 January 1786) was a German Jewish philosopher to whose ideas the Haskalah is indebted.
    Had ongoing debate with another philosopher as to whether Judaism was compatible with the Enlightenment (He said it was).
    Core question he was addressing was if the Jews are more loyal to their country or their religion.
    None of his descendants were Jewish within 100 years.
  • Juedische Freischule founded

    First Jewish Dual Curriculum School.
    All classes in vernacular (German)
    Board of directors made up of Lay leaders
    1780: another Dual Curriculum Jewish school opened - Only taught bare minimum General studies so students would be able to function in the world.
  • Ultra Orthodoxy starts

    Stricter interpretations
    More reliance on old commentary instead of new commentary
    Learned for the sake of Judaism
    Yeshivas turned inward - Never took part in the Enlightenment
  • Period: to

    Jewish Enlightenment

    Who: Upper middle class Jews of Western Europe
    Where: Germany, Austria, France
    What: Apostacy & Rapid change in identity
    Why: European Enlightenment & Decrease in Rabbinic Authority
    How: Cultural Assimilation
    First time Jews part of larger community
    When: ca. 1780-1820
  • Edict of Toleration

    Made by Emperor Joseph II (Austrian Empire)
    Jews could live outside of Jewish quarter
    Jews need to take surnames
    Jews can send their children to public school
    Jews don't have to pay poll tax
    Jews could own factories
  • Emancipation of the Jews of France

    Jews can be Jewish privately, but the Jewish community cannot stay seperate from the French community.
    On one hand, not second class citizens, but on the other, have to contribute to larger community.
  • Berr Isaac Berr

  • Contra Reform Movement (Chatam Sofer)

    Minhag of Israel is torah - You don't mess with the status quo.
    Chukas Hagoyim - When you adopt practices of hte Gentile world with the intention of fitting in, it's not ok