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Jeffries Odyssey

By Diamond
  • 1200 BCE

    Trojan war

    Trojan war
    The Trojan war is about a man named Menelaus who got his wife stolen. The man who stole his wife was a man name Paris. Paris was the ruler of Troy. The reason why he took Helen was because she being treated badly by Menelaus. When Menelaus found out that he started a war. This caused everyone to take sides and they started
  • 1200 BCE


    As Odysseus and his men are sailing through the land of the cyclops they meet one. Already In Polyphemus presence Odysseus and his men were doing fine. Then out of nowhere Polyphemus started to say some mean things. All of a sudden he eats 2 of Odysseus men. This made Odysseus very mad. This made Odysseus want to kill him but he knew that he couldn’t. The cyclops was just another person who stood in Odysseus way so that he couldn’t get home
  • 1200 BCE


    Odysseus and his men get to this witches named Circe. Circe had arms open and welcomed them to stay with her. As they were staying with her they got to eat and sleep. When they were settling down all of a sudden Circe put a spell on Odysseus men. This spell caused his men to turn into pigs. Sometimes when people look nice they aren’t actually nice. You have to watch people.
  • 1200 BCE

    Circe Part 2

    Circe Part 2
    Odysseus loses his men focus. This is because they were always looking for food instead of watching the person who gives it to them. Odysseus learned that his men are very silly and are unfocused. We learn that Odysseus crew does not pay attention and does not look beyond somebody’s appearance. You also see that Odysseus men are not observant. If they see that there leader didn’t eat circe’s food then why would they? The theme of this is to watch out for those who seem to be “nice”.
  • 1200 BCE


    The sirens are right passed Circe’s island. As they were passing Circe’s island they ran right into the sirens. Circe told Odysseus the steps that he would have to take to defeat the sirens. One of the things they had to do was put beeswax in there ears. This was so that they wouldn’t hear the peaceful song that the sirens were singing.
  • 1200 BCE

    Sirens Part 2

    Sirens Part 2
    The thing that Odysseus learn is that his men are hardworking and cooperative. They listen to him and did what he told them to do. In this situation Odysseus almost lost his ship. The reason why is because he really did want to listen to the Sirens and he almost did. He gained his men’s understanding. They understood what he said and he did it. We learn that Odysseus and his men are understanding and determined. The theme of this to work hard and always believe in one another.
  • 1200 BCE

    Scylla and Charybdis Part 2

    Scylla and Charybdis Part 2
    The thing that Odysseus learned that he has to be brave in order to go through the Scylla and the Charybdis. They didn’t tell loose anything during point of the story. What they learned at this location is that they need to be tireless and have courage. If they didn’t than they would have been killed. No one has ever survived this task but they did. The theme of this is never give up. If you do then you won’t get anywhere.
  • 1200 BCE

    Helios's cattle

    Helios's cattle
    Helios's cattle is the cattle of Helios. Helios is the god of the sun. Helios has a lot of sheep and oxen, and etc. Odysseus was told that he shouldn’t go near the cattle. Odysseus wasn’t to be all big and bad so he went up to them and touched them. This made him land on Helios land. Then Helios asked the gods to punish them.
  • 1200 BCE

    Helios's cattle part 2

    Helios's cattle part 2
    Odysseus loses his focus on the main point of his journey. He wanted to act like someone he wasn’t and he got in trouble. He didn’t gain anything except for learning for his mistakes. What learn from Odysseus and his men is that sometimes that get over there head and don’t follow the rules. Even though Odysseus is the leader he will still not follow the rules. The theme for this is to always follow the rules
  • 1200 BCE

    Suitors/ home

    Suitors/ home
    Finally Odysseus has made it home. It was a long journey but he has finally made it there. As soon as Odysseus gets home there are suitors all in his house. If it ain’t one thing then it’s another. Odysseus wife Penelope and his son Telemachus are doing things in the house. One minute there there and then the next they aren’t. The reason why they are there is because they think that Odysseus is dead. So now they are trying to fight for Odysseus wife Penelope.
  • 1200 BCE

    Suitors/ home part 3

    Suitors/ home part 3
    The thing that Odysseus learned was to always have your family back. Also put your family first no matter what. Odysseus almost lost his wife. If he would have came any later than his wife would have been married to a suitor. What we learn about Odysseus is that he fights for what he loves. No matter what the circumstance is Odysseus will fight for his wife and kid. The theme of this is to always fight for your love ones.
  • 1200 BCE

    Trojan war part 2

    Trojan war part 2
    Odysseus didn’t lose anything. The thing that Odysseus gain was the large wooden horse. What he learned from this location is that he is a very clever person. Odysseus was able to trick his enemy. This made Odysseus start his journey towards home. This is what started it all. Theme of this is take risks.
  • 1200 BCE

    Lotus flower

    Lotus flower
    The lotus flowers were these flowers that made Odysseus men lose their memory. They didn’t want to leave from the island. It made them not want to go home anymore. Also it made them want to keep on eating some more of the lotus flowers Home is where there trying to get to. If it wasn’t for Odysseus dragging his men away then they would have been stuck.
  • 1200 BCE

    Lotus flower part 2

    Lotus flower part 2
    The thing that Odysseus lost was his men’s mind. He lost his men’s mind and concentration because they were eating the lotus flowers. The thing that he learned is that you need to watch what you eat. Another thing is to watch the people who is giving you certain types of food. We learn that Odysseus men don’t think before they act. The theme is to always be a leader.
  • 1200 BCE

    Cyclops Part 2

    Cyclops Part 2
    While he was talking to the cyclops he lost some of his men. The reason why he lost some of his men is because the cyclops ate them. Something that he gains from this is sometimes you need to take risks. If he wouldn’t have taken any risks than he wouldn’t have gotten where he is. He took a risk by getting the cyclops drunk. We learn that Odysseus and his crewmen are very brave and will do anything to get back home. The theme of this is do what you have to do in order to get things done.
  • 1200 BCE

    Bag of wind

    Bag of wind
    When Odysseus and his men were on the ship his men went through his stuff. They were going through his stuff because his men thought that Odysseus was hiding some gold from them. As they were going through his stuff they open the bag of wind. When they opened up the bag of wind it led them back to square one. So now they are being held back.
  • 1200 BCE

    Scylla and Charybdis

    Scylla and Charybdis
    Scylla and the Charybdis are the island right after the sirens. Scylla is a six headed monster. When a ship is coming Scylla will come and eat your ship.The Charybdis is a whirlpool that will swallow up the entire ship. Odysseus and his men have to get through Scylla and the Charybdis in order to survive on their journey. This bus a very dangerous task that they have to achieve.
  • 1200 BCE

    Suitors/ home part 2

    Suitors/ home part 2
    This means that the son will have to find a way to get Penelope and himself about of this situation. Penelope already had an idea. Her idea was that whoever can shoot a bow would get her hand in marriage.This goes to the first part.
  • 1200

    Bag of wind part 2

    Bag of wind part 2
    The bag of wind shows that Odysseus loses his men’s trust. This is because they thought that Odysseus was hiding something. Something that he gains from this situation is that he needs to be more truthful towards his shipmates. This shows that Odysseus men does not trust him at all. This helps develop the story because this will draw him closer to his teammates. The theme of this is to always tell the truth.