
By Taizha
  • Aug 3, 1492

    American Discovered

    Columbus led his three ships - the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria - out of the Spanish port of Palos.
    His objective was to sail west until he reached Asia (the Indies) where the riches of gold, pearls and spice awaited.
  • Roanoke established

    British first attempt at a permanent colony in America.
    Discouraged other colonies to settle.
    The colony was a failure.
    Had a football hold.
  • Jamestown

    First Permanent English settlement.
    Showed that English could live stability in the US.
    Selling tobacco.
    were able to trade things like fur and fish.
  • Plymouth/Massachusetts Bay Colony

    Massachusetts Bay Company had obtained from King Charles I a charter empowering the company to trade and colonize in New England between the Charles and Merrimack rivers.
    Plymouth served as the capital of Plymouth Colony from its founding in 1621 until the colony's merger with the Massachusetts Bay colony in 1691.
  • The beginning of British exploration

    discovered new land
    survived to old age
    loss of land
  • French and Indian War

    Ended the power of salutary neglect.
    Began to tax the colonies.
    Left Britain in deep debt.
    Gave British colonies all land from the Atlantic coast to Mississippi River.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Prohibited american settlers from moving west of the Mississippi.
    King George lll created it so the newly acquired land from the French and Indian war could be organized and to prevent outbreaks of violence with the native americans living there.
    /closed off the frontier to colonial expansion.
    Caused much anger and indignation the British colonials.
  • Revolutionary War

    13 colonies were fighting for liberty,free press,right of speech,lower taxes.
    Established the United States of America as an Independent nation.
    Ultimate break down of the British Empire.
    A new governmental experiment was begun in the US.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Justified the right to revolt against a government, that no longer guaranted the man's natural and inalienable rights.
    No one was better due to their parents or ancestors.
    Sowed the seeds of France Revolution.
    The war with England commenced a civil war between colonists who were still loyal to the king.
  • Artlicles of Confederation

    The Articles of Confederation were the first framework for the government of the USA.
    They were enough of a structure, for the nation to survive during those eight years(1781-1789).
    The Articles of Confederation created a weak national government.
    States could not settle disputes among themselves.
  • Treaty of Paris of 1783

    Ended the American Revolutionary War between Great Britain and the United States of America.
    Great Britain recognized American Independence.
    British had to pay all existing debts owed to Great Britain.
    Britatin agreed to move all troops from the new nation.
  • Treaty Paris of 1763

    Made peace between France and England
    Britain received lands east of the Mississippi River
    Lacking culture
    American regarded as crude
  • Constitution Created

    Knowledge about the Government.
    Protection of the rights and liberties.
    Divides the powers of Government
    Limited Government
  • John Adams elected president

    elected 1789
    Founding Father.
    His reputation faded in the 19th Century.
  • XYZ Affair

    Began 1797
    Ended the English alliance.
    Resulted in Adams loss of the next election.
    The starty of the undeclared Quasi-War
    No unity in America.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Took aways civil liberties of people.
    Violated the first amendment:Freedom of speech and press.
    The Federalists lost control of the national government.
    The Federalists was never in power.
  • Thomas Jefferson elected president

    -On February 17, 1801
    -Thomas Jefferson was a draftsman of the Declaration of Independence and the third U.S. president (1801-09).
    - He was also responsible for the Louisiana Purchase.
    -Quarrels among Jeffersonian-Republicans foreshadowed the division between Jacksonian Democrats
    -self-proclaimed legatees of Jeffersonian orthodoxy, and Whigs who promoted a neo-Federalist, National Republican policy agenda while warning against "King Andrew's" dangerous consolidation of authority.