Uaac   2009.2.21.3

Japan History, Edo to Meiji

  • Period: May 2, 1549 to

    Christan Missonarys coverrt 150,000 to Chistianity

  • Christan missonarys banned

    Christan missonarys banned
    This was the frist steps that japan would take to lead them to isolation. This event set the stage for several rebelions.
  • Period: to

    Rule of Tokugawa Ieyasu

  • Period: to


  • Chistainity Banned

    Chistainity Banned
    The Shogun of Japan felt that loyalty to a Christian god was a threat to his authority. He heard rumours of takeover plots and destroyed anything Christian. Seventy missionaries were killed the rest were forced to leave. Newcomers were not welcome. This was the last step for japan to go into isolation.
  • Period: to

    Rule of Tokugawa Hidetada

  • Period: to

    Rule of Tokugawa Iemitsu

  • Japan closes door to the west

    Japan closes door to the west
    No outsiders alowed into japan.
  • Shimabara Rebellion

    Shimabara Rebellion
    A group of 27,000-37,000 Christian rebels atempted to get more rights, they were crushed.
  • Period: to

    Rule of Tokugawa Ietsuna

  • Keian Uprising

    Keian Uprising
    A coup d'état attempted by several ronin and masterminded by Yui Shōsetsu and Marubashi Chūya failed.
  • Period: to

    Rule of Tokugawa Tsunayoshi

  • Period: to

    Tokugawa Ienobu

    Little records from this time
  • Period: to

    Tokugawa Ietsugu

  • The currency system and trade rules were reformed.

    The currency system and trade rules were reformed.
    The currency system and trade rules were reformed.
  • Period: to

    Rule of Tokugawa Yoshimune

  • Period: to

    Rule of Tokugawa Ieshige

  • Period: to

    Rule of Tokugawa Ieharu

  • Period: to

    Rule of Tokugawa Ienari

  • Russian Tensions Rise

    Russian Tensions Rise
    Bakfu learns that Russian setlers have reached the kuril islands. The shogun dose not want to lose controll of the islands.
  • Period: to

    Rule of Tokugawa Ieyoshi

  • Period: to

    Rule of Emporor Kōmei

    Emporor Kōmei, Emporor Meiji's father, ruled from March 10, 1846 to January 30, 1867. Like most emporors, he ruled to the day he died.
  • Brith of Sachinomiya

    Brith of Sachinomiya
    Emporor Meiji, the emporor during the meiji period was born on November 3 1852 and named Sachinomiya
  • Period: to

    Life of Meiji

  • Matthew Perry

    Matthew Perry
    A fleet of ships led by Comander Matthew Perry arrives in Japan on July 8, 1853. Japan was forced to give the U.S.A. access to their ports by Commander Perry.
  • Proclaimed Crown Prince

    Proclaimed Crown Prince
    Sachinomiya is formally proclaimed Crown Prince and given the adult personal name Mutsuhito.
  • Death of Emperor Kōmei

    Death of Emperor Kōmei
    With Emperor Kōmei's death, Emporor Meiji came into power at age 12. His reign ended the day he died.
  • Empire of Japan is formed

    Empire of Japan is formed
    After the reignation of the shogun, the new emperor Meji seizes control of the country and unifies it after the Boshin Wars.
  • Period: to

    Boshin War

    Meji and the old Shogun, Tokugawa Yoshinobu, war against each other. Meji's forces whin and Yoshinobu is stripped of his power.
  • Period: to


  • First Train System

    First Train System
    The train was soon to be japans main way of tranportation.
  • Period: to

    First Sino-Japanese War

    Japan tries to invade China for the first time for control over the Koreas.
  • First telagram line

    First telagram line
  • Period: to

    Russo-Japanese War

    Russia attemps to take the Kuri islands and Korea from japan but fall