Jane Goodall

  • Jane arrives to Gombe

    Jane Goodall and her mother Vanne arrives to shores of Gombe Stream Chimpanzee Reserve in western Tanzania.
  • Jane Discovers that chimpanzees eat meat

    Jane observed a group of chimpanzees eating bush pig. before this discovery, chimpanzees had been assumed to be vegetarian. Jane also observed how the chimpanzees hunt, a group of chimpanzees attacked, killed, and ate a red colobus monkey that had climbed high into a tree.
  • Jane discover that chimpanzees make and use tools

    Jane observed two chimpanzees, David Greybeard and Goliath making tools to catch termites from their mounds, a discovery that science to reconsider its definition of homo sapiens: “Man the Toolmaker.”
  • Jane Goodall institute

    Jane Goodall creates an organization to continue her research on the chimpanzees, to expand the efforts of protecting the chimpanzees and environmental education.
  • Jane becomes an activist

    Dr. Jane Goodall appears to the first ‘Understanding Chimpanzees’ conference in Chicago. This changes her focus from observation and research, to a broader holistic animal-human conservation approach.
  • Roots and stoots

    Jane is working with a group of kids in Tanzania to think of a way the kids can do something to make the world better. Roots & Shoots started to place the power and resources for creating practical solutions to big challenges in the hands of young people.