
Jamestown Colony

  • The First Part of Jamestown Colony

    The First Part of Jamestown Colony
    Three Small Ships landed on the mouth of Chesapeke Bay.
  • Jamestown was founded

    Jamestown was founded
    Jamestown was founded by the three ships that came.
  • Period: to

    the colonists died

    half of the colonist in james town where dying trough out fall.they where dying from starving and from puking to much.
  • Smith Returns

    Smith Returns
    Smith returns to James Fort to find a desperate situation; only 38 of the original 104 settlers remain.
  • Fire assemlby.

    Fire assemlby.
    The General Assembly or the Colony of virginia. the Fire Assembly
  • English ships were docked

    English ships were docked
    Two ships came to Jamestown and were docked also around that time John Smith was captured.
  • Pocahontas Gets Married

     Pocahontas Gets Married
    Colonist John Rolfe marries Pocahontas
  • John Ralfe

    John Ralfe
    John Ralfe sent his first shipment of tobacco to England.
  • Pocahontas

    she was baptized and married to john ralfe and was given her third name rebecca with peace between natives and english
  • Chief Powhatan

    Chief Powhatan
    After he died the general assembly or Virginia the first reprsentative assembly in English America and the assembly adopted the Virginia Companys instruction and make some new laws.
  • Powhatan Attack

    Powhatan Attack
    The Powhatan Indian Attack kills 347 colonists, setting off a war that lasted a decade.
  • Sea Flower

    Sea Flower
    In Bermuda, the Seaflower is blown up due to the negligence of the Captain's son.
  • Virginia Company

    Virginia Company
    The Virginia Company loses its charter; Virginia becomes a royal province due to mismanagement of the Colony.