Jackson Timeline Roman Chetry P.2

  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    The winner was Andrew Jackson. He was followed by JOHN QUINCY ADAMS.Henry Clay, the speaker of the House of Representatives made a deal for John Quincy Adams. In return Adams named Clay as his secretary of state and Adams would be preisdent.The impact was that jackson was favorited then others.
  • Election of 1828

    Election of 1828
    The Election of 1828 was a heated election but Andrew Jackson was the winner and it was a feel good win after being cheated.It was a turning point for american politics it was know to be the election with a two party system.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    President Andrew Jackson passed a law for "Five Civilized Tribes to be moven west from Geogira to the current state oklahoma and around 4000 people died given the trail name of trail of tears.The impact of the native american people was large it affected the tibes bad and the had no safe place to live.
  • Worcester VS Georgia

    Worcester VS Georgia
    Worcester and held that the Georgia criminal statute that prohibited non-Native Americans from being present on Native American lands without a license from the state was unconstitutional.The impact was great for the native americans no being able to have white settelers come on the land and mess everything up agian.
  • Bank War

    Bank War
    Andrew Jackson in 1833 to destroy the Second Bank of the United States, after his reelection convinced him that his opposition to the bank had won national support.The Impact was bad for his supporters because most were farmers and neede loans to move west but when jackson close the bank his suporters had no where to get a loan.
  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
    This was the scene in 1832, when South Carolina adopted the ordinance to nullify the tariff acts and label them unconstitutional. Despite sympathetic voices from other Southern states, South Carolina found itself standing alone.The impact was that the tariff bill of 1823 was lowerd and would be cheaper then before to get goods from europe