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  • Screw Propeller

    Screw Propeller
    This was invented by John Ericsson. A screw propeller is the top of a helicopter or at the end of the boat. It was invented and it helped alot of transportation in the early time periods.
  • Telphone

    The telephone was invented by Alexander Gram Bell. It was made so you could talk to people if you were not by each other. You could talk into it and the other person could talk back.
  • Mason Jar

    Mason Jar
    This was invented by John Mason. He wanted a way to store goods in something small and hard to break. He created the glass jar, or mason jar as some call it.
  • Iron Buildings

    Iron Buildings
    The iron building were invented by James Bogardus. It was invented to help maintain building so you didn't have to rebuild them every single year. They also stayed strong during most weather.
  • Barbed Wire

    Barbed Wire
    Barbed wire was invented by Joseph Gladden. He invented it to help protect his stuff. This ended up helping a lot of people. They would use it to keep wolves out of there chickens.
  • Calculator

    The calculator was invented by William Seward Burroughs. He invented it to help people with math. It also helped people if there job had to do with anything money. For example a bank.
  • Brekfast Cereal

    Brekfast Cereal
    Breakfast Cereal was invented by John Kellog. He made this to help wake people up in the morning. It tasted sweet and wasn't very unhealthy to eat.
  • Photograph

    The idea of photos was invented by George Eastman. He thought of this because he wanted to keep moments that were special to him. It helped with a lot of things the time.
  • The Plow

    The Plow
    The plow was invented by John Deere. It was made to help farmers. It made it so you could make straight lines of crops. It helped farmers produce more every single year.
  • The Radio

    The Radio
    The radio was invented by a guy with the name of Guglielmo Marconi. He wanted to listen to music while he was going somewhere or doing something.
  • Sewing Machine

    Sewing Machine
    The sewing machine was invented by Elias Howe. They wanted an efficient was to fix clothes and other things. It made it easy for many people to fix clothes and other things around the house.
  • The Clock

    The Clock
    Eli Terry was a clockmaker in Connecticut. He made the first main clock. He decided that he wanted to know the time without looking at the sun and decided he was going to make a clock.