Italian Renaissance

  • Period: Jan 1, 1300 to

    the italian renaissance

    this was the time of the rennisance in italy. it was a time of prosperity, and also cultural and technolgical advancements.source
  • Apr 15, 1452

    leonardo da vinci is born

    leonardo da vinci is born
    this is the day one of the most famous great thinker of the rennisance was born. he was going to go on to do great things.source
  • Period: Jan 1, 1469 to Oct 1, 1492

    the rule of Lorenzo de' Medici

    this was the time period in which lorenzo de' medici was in control of florence. this brought a time of florence being a very wealthy city.source
  • Jan 1, 1472

    Andrea del Verrocchio and leonardo da vinci creat the baptizim of christ

    Andrea del Verrocchio and leonardo da vinci creat the baptizim of christ
    sourcethis painting is mostly famous because leonardo da vinci made part of it. the painting shows jesus christ being baptized.
  • Jan 1, 1478

    Lorenzo de' Medici take full control over florence

    Lorenzo de' Medici take full control over florence
    this was the date that he took full control over florence. he took full control because his brother giuliano was assassinated.[source](<a href='' >source</a>
  • Jan 1, 1487

    leonardo da vinci desings

    leonardo da vinci desings
    this was a design that he made for ludovico sforza. it shows an armored "carraige" that has canoons on every angle it possibly can.source
  • Jan 1, 1493

    maximilian I becomes the holy roman emperor

    maximilian I becomes the holy roman emperor
    this was the year when maximilian became holy roman emperor. he would go on to play a part in the great italian wars.source
  • Period: Jan 1, 1493 to Jan 12, 1519

    Maximilian I is holy roman emperor

    this is the time period where maximilian I was the holy roman emperor. he was succeeded by his grand son charles V.source
  • Jan 1, 1494

    Charles VIII of France invades Italy

    Charles VIII of France invades Italy
    charles VIII invades italy. this event starts the first italian war.source
  • Period: Jan 1, 1494 to Jan 1, 1559

    The Great Italian wars

    this was a series of wars that was fought mostly between france and spain. the object was to gain control over italy.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1495 to Jan 1, 1498

    the last supper is created

    this was the time period in which leonardo da vinci created one of the most iconic pieces of art in the world. he created it some time between 1495 and 1498.source
  • Period: Sep 13, 1501 to Jan 1, 1504

    the creation of the statue of david

    this is the timespan that Michelangelo was working on david. it took him three years to complete it. source
  • Jan 1, 1503

    creation of the mona lisa

    creation of the mona lisa
    This the event that saw the creation of the most widely renowned painting in the world.source
  • Jan 1, 1512

    sistine chapel ceiling completed

    sistine chapel ceiling completed
    this was the date that michelangelo completed the cieling of the sistine chapel. that day he made one of the most famous peices of art today. source
  • May 2, 1519

    leonardo da vinci dies

    leonardo da vinci dies
    this was the day that one of the greatest thinkers of the renisance died. he left a gigantic legacy behind him.source
  • Period: Jan 1, 1536 to Jan 1, 1541

    the last judgement is painted

    this is the time span in which michelagelo create a very famous paiting that is widely known today. it shows christ judging the people of earth.source