Isreal timeline

  • United nations

    This was the date of wourld war two.
  • United nations partion plan

    The united nations partion plan was develpoed by united nations.
  • The arab isreal war

    The war was faoght between the state or isreal and the military of the arab states. It ended in 1949.
  • the 6 day war

    The 6 day war started on June 5, 1967 and ended June 10, 1967. The war was faught between Ejupt, Jordon, and Syria verses isreal.
  • Igypti and syrian

    Egypt and syrian forces Launched a joined atacked against Isreal.
  • Canp david Acords

    Isreal and ejipt sighned two agreements about arab and presidents.
  • Period: to

    The first intifada

    It was the palistine uprising against the isreal occupation.
  • The oslo Agreement

    It was a face to face agreement between the government of isreal and PLO.
  • The second Itnfada

    The palestinians were throwing rocks at police.
  • Palistine an Oboma

    Both sides in the Isreal and Palistine conflict are mad at Oboma.