Israel Timeline Period 9

  • 175

    Start of the Disporia

    Start of the Disporia
    the dispersion of Jews among the Gentiles after the Babylonian Exile; or the aggregate of Jews or Jewish communities scattered “in exile” outside Palestine or present-day Israel.
  • 240

    THe KIng Herod

    The king used the Roman Empire to gain control of Judea.
  • 300


    The Jewsformed militant resistance groups that came and went over the years. The Zealots were probably the most famous resistance group during this era.
  • 400

    A second Revolt

    A second Jewish revolt happened and shortly after this event (he Jews revolted a third time under the rule of Hadrian. This was the final straw and after they were defeated Hadrian left the Jews, sold them into slavery and renamed Jerusalem to Aelia Capitolina and the kingdom of Judea was now called Palestine, Syria.
  • 410

    Sack of Rome

    Rome sacked by Visigoths.
  • 412

    Scattered Jews

    Many of the Jews were scattered across the empire and they never were able to regain their homeland. So they developed their own communities in the cultures where they lived. Jews were now living in various parts of Africa, Rome, Greece, Asia Minor, Syria, Egypt and some had went to India and even as far as China.
  • 500

    Protecting the Jews

    Babylonian Talmud recorded. After conquering Italy in 493, Ostrogoth king Theodoric issues an edict protecting the Jews and ensuring their right to determine civil disputes and freedom of worship.
  • Oct 14, 610

    Starting Quranic revelations

    Prophetic call and start of Quranic revelations.
  • Oct 14, 611

    Attack on Spain

    Muslim Forces Attack Spain Successfully.
  • Nov 14, 626

    Muhammad captures the Banu Kurara tribe

    While proselytizing Arabia, Muhammad captures the Banu Kurara tribe and forces the group of about 600 to chose between conversion and death. After spending all night praying, all but three or four Banu Kurarans are beheaded.
  • Oct 14, 662

    Muhammad dies

    Muhammad dies, creating the four "rightly guided caliphs" of Islam.
  • Nov 14, 762

    Foundation of Abbasids

    Baghdad founded by Abbasids.
  • Dec 15, 1131

    Birth of Rambam.

    Birth of Rambam. He was was a preeminent medieval Arabized Spanish
  • Jan 15, 1550

    Dr Joseph is leaving

    Dr. Jospeh Hacohen was chased out of Genoa for practicing medicine, and soon after, all the Jews were expelled.
  • Hamburg allows Jews to live in the city

    The Hamburg Senate decides to officially allow Jews to live in the city on the condition there is no public worship.
  • Population grows

    Jewish population in America numbers approximately 250.
  • The French Revlolution

    in the French Revolution monarchy was overthrown and Pian and fights was forced upon the Roman Catholic Church.
  • Denmark gives Citizenship

    Denmark grants citizenship to Jews.
  • World War 1

    World War I happend from 126-1919
  • Peace in the Middle East

    U.S. Secretary of State Rogers announces American Plan for peace in the Middle East
  • Bank of Sharon Robbed

    The Bank of Sharon in Ramat Gan was robbed by Jewish underground, $8,000 were stolen
  • The Palestinian Police

    Israel hands over the Jericho area to Palestinian police.
  • Prime Minister speaks

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke in front of a joint session of the U.S. Congress to outline his desires for peace in the region
  • Rme and Jewish

    Rome took Jewishes Homeland
  • The Jews Reaction

    The Jews were tired of the Romans and their lack of respect for Jewish life.
  • The Jews Reaction Contenued

    the Zealots fight culminated in the first Jewish Roman war where Jerusalem was taken and the Temple of Solomon was destroyed by the Romans once and for all. Many Jewish people were sold into slavery or resettled into other cities.
  • Roman Emperor helps Jewish Culture

    Charlemagne, French Holy Roman Emperor, protected and helped develop Jewish culture in his kingdom, seeing Jews as an asset.
  • Foundation of Cario

    xAl-Azhar University Founded, Cairo.