Israel Timeline

By hallkns
  • 130

    130 AD Emperor Hadrian

    Emperor Hadrian visited the ruins of Jereuslam.
  • 132

    132 Ad Bar Kokhba

    Bar Kokhba revolt began and took romans by surprise
  • 132

    132 Ad church...

    132 AD the chruch was predominantly gentile. There are few jews who are now christian.
  • 132

    132 AD

    The romans forced the jews to leave israel when it became known as palesitne.
  • 132


    Circumsicion was out lawed by hadrian
  • 132


    Jerusalem rebuilt Aelia Capitolina
  • 135

    Romans Destroy and Plow Jerusulam

    The Romans crushed a second Jewish rebellion for Independence in a three year war.
  • 135

    135 AD Romans ended...

    Romans were able to end the rebellion and capture Jeruslam.
  • 135

    135Ad Jeuda renamed palestine

    Jeuda renamed palestine during a final jewish uprising against the romans.
  • 326


    Queen Helena visit's Jeruslam and begins building important churches.
  • 330


    Alexander the great captures Jeruslam but doesn't harm the temple
  • Oct 14, 600


    The arbas conquered the region.
  • Oct 14, 1135


    Emperor hadrian's total destruction of Jerusalem and building
    the new walls and city renamed Aelia Capitolina . Jews were not
    allowed in Jerusalem
  • 4Bc

    Jesus christ is born in Bethlemham
  • 30AD

    Jesus is hailed as the son of David rides into the city of Jersulam
  • 66AD

    The jews stage the rebellion
  • Jewish state ends 70ad

    The jewish state ended around 70 AD
  • 73AD Hebrew history

    After 73AD the only history would be was hebrew history of the diaspora as the jews and their world spread over Africa, Europe and Asia.
  • 73ad

    Masada fell to the Roman Emperor
  • 132Ad Greatest rebellion

    The greatsest rebellion the romans every did was the Roman Palestine in 132 AD
  • 135 AD Emperor Hadrian

    The emperor blottled out the name Provincia Judea and and renamed it provincia syria palaestine.
  • The Jewish Diaspora starts 597 bc

  • The first jewish temple was destroyed 587 BC

  • 582BC Governer assasinated

    Babylonia governer of Jeuda was assasinated