
By doannms
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    The Romans forced the Jews to leave Israel when it then became known as Palestine.
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    The Romans

    The Romans forced the Jews to leave the region of Israel when it became known as Palestine.
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    Romans take over the land of Israel.
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    The Jewish independence in the land of Israel, lasted for more than 400 years
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    Jewish Temple

    After the distruction of the Jewish temple in A.D. 70, Jews began dispersing around the world.
  • Oct 13, 1500


    Abraham, who was the father of the Jewish people, lived in 1500 BC.
  • New Jewish State

    In the year of 1948, the state of Israel became the new state of "The Jewish State."
  • First Law

    Israel's very first law was the "Law of Return." The Law of Return was that citizenship would be granted to any Jewish people who will be willing to live within the country. The law was made to show the Nazis that the Jews have survived.
  • Jewish Diaspora

    The Jewish diaspora had begun long before the Romans had even dreamed of Judaea.
  • Jews

    In the 19th century, the population of jewish people in Israel was about 10,000 jews. In the 13th century about 99% of the Jews were located in Israel.
  • It existed

    The Jewish diaspora has existed for at least 2,600 years.
  • Increased

    The diaspora became the moving force in Israel life. It has increased Jewish migration in the eleventh century.
  • 3,000 years

    For over 3,000 years, Jewish people considered their homeland to be Israel.
  • Only Jewish State

    Israel is the only Jewish state on earth.
  • Diaspora Begun

    When the Jewish Diaspora began, it involved most Jews in an exodus from what they have continued to view as the land promised to them as the descendants of Abraham.