
Isaac Newton

By Glo
  • Disregard the month and day in the dates.

  • The settlement at Jamestown, Virginia is started.

  • Sir Isaac Newton is born in Woolsthorpe, England.

    Sir Isaac Newton is born in Woolsthorpe, England.
  • Newton designs and builds a reflecting telescope which helped to prove his theory of light and color.

    Newton designs and builds a reflecting telescope which helped to prove his theory of light and color.
  • The Black Plague overwhelms Europe.

    The Black Plague overwhelms Europe.
  • The microscope is invented by Anton van Leeuwenhok.

    The microscope is invented by Anton van Leeuwenhok.
  • Isaac Newton publishes his notes on light.

  • Newton publishes his Principia.

  • Newton is elected to represent Cambridge in Parliament.

  • Gabriel Fahrenheit invents the first thermometer.

    Gabriel Fahrenheit invents the first thermometer.
  • Sir Isaac Newton dies in London at the age of eighty-five.