Isaac Newton

  • Birth of Isaac Newton in Woolsthorpe, England

  • Hannah Newton leaves her son to be raised by an uncle

  • Newton enrolls in the Grantham Grammar School

  • Newton enrolls in Trinity College, Cambridge.

  • Newton receives his bachelor of arts from Trinity College

  • The fire in london forces Isaac to move in with his mom where he discovers spectrum of light

  • Newton appointed Lucasian Chair of Mathematics at Trinity, a position he will hold for the next thirty-four years.

  • Newton elected to the Royal Society

  • Newton completes his calculations on gravity and shares them with Halley, who urges him to publish.

  • Newton presents the first book of the Principia to the Royal Society.

  • ·Newton elected as Cambridge's representative to Parliament.

  • Newton knighted by Queen Anne.

  • Newton is aknowleged as creator of Calculus

  • ·Death of Sir Isaac Newton, in London