History  history.

Is hostory a history of progress?

By ashleey
  • Colonial Life

    Colonial Life
    Political: Each Colony had it's own Political System Social: Slavery- They had a lot of enslaved African Americans like woman, men, and even children. They were forced to pick cotton and do the house work, and take care of the plantation owners family, and if they didn't listen, they were whipped. Economic:Natural Resources- They had a lot of farms and farmers, tobacco was a major cash crop, and they had a lot of plantations, and many slaves.
  • Industrial Revolution.

    Political: Nat Turners Rebellion- Nat Turner was a balck slave, who led a Rebellion with a bunch of other slaves, breaking tools, and killing 50 and plus white men, woman, and children. Social: Inventions- The inventions they made helped out people a whole lot, like steam boats, and canals. They made it a more efficient and cheaper way to send goods back and forth Economic: Mill Girls-
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    Political: Albany plan of union- A scheme developed by a commitee led by Benjamin Franklin, The plan of union proposed that the colonies unite and form a Federal Government. Social: Loyalists- Loyalists were Americans who were very loyal and backed up Great Britain, they came from all parts of american society. Economic: Stamp Act- The Stamp Act stated that stamps had to be put on most printed things like, newspapers, posters, licenses, All paper things basically.
  • New Nation/ Constitution.

    New Nation/ Constitution.
    Political: Anti federalists/ Federalists- Federalists were supporters of the constitution, anti federalists were miss leading because they weren't fully against constitution, they were concerned that the national goverment or state government would be supreme. Social: Alien Sedition Acts- Stated immagrants have to wait 14 years before they become a citizen. Economic: Bank of the U.S- was a new system they made for the economy, which was a really big help to everything.
  • Reform Movement.

    Reform Movement.
    Political: Expanded voting right- African Americans who were once enslaved, could now vote, but only men were allowed to vote, not woman. Social: Womans Reform- The woman were no longer forced to work in the mills and plantations and other places, they could stay home with their families, and do womanly duties. Economic: Slavery- All Slavery, even in the south was Abolished by the 1830's.
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    Political: Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo- Mexico gave up 500,000 square miles of territory to the U.S Social: Conflict with the Native Americans over population- The British tried to make the native americans flee from the US. Economic: Gasden Purchase- Was a treaty that gave the US a lot more territory about 29,670 square miles.
  • Civil War

    Political: Conscription- Forcing people into the Military service, many Democrats opposed this Law. Riots errupted in several strongly Democratic districts. Social: Fall of Atlanta- In August 1864, Sherman sent troops south, around Atlanta to destroy the roads and railways leading into the city. Economic: Shermans march to sea- Sherman ordered his troops to destroy and burn everything in sight, because he wanted the people there to starve and give in and let him have their whole territory.
  • Reconstruction

    Political: Social: Civil Rights Act of 1866- This Act granted Citizenship to all people born in the United States, except Native Americans, it allowed African Americans to own property and stated they were to be treated equally in court. Economic: Licolns plan- Licoln wanted to restore regular Government in Tennessee, Arkansas, and Louisiana. He also wanted a moderate policy that would reconcile the South with the Union, instead of punnishing it for Treson.